It's Time

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In Ohio 
At McKinley
In The Courtyard

Jesse, Blaine, Sam, Sebastian, and Kurt were sitting at a table. "I think it's a great idea for Blaine to be part of the leading part." Kurt said to them with a smile. "You can't be here anymore, Kurt." Blaine said to him making Kurt nod. "I get it. I know. I'm pathetic." Kurt said to him. "No, no, you''re not pathetic. It's just that you''re stuck." Sebastian said to him. "You don't belong here anymore. You belong in New York with Jamey." Sam said to him with a smile. "I know but I don't have the money to leave." Kurt said to them and Jesse moves over a plane ticket to Kurt. "What..." Kurt said picking it up. "I just can't stand to see you stay here. It's killing you. And that's killing me." Jesse said to him making Kurt look at her. "Right now is your time. You're ready." Jesse said to him with a smile. The group hears cups making them turn to see the Cheerios making sounds with the red cups and then she hears the band playing, It's Time by Imagine Dragons.

So this is what you meant

Jesse sings making Kurt smile at her.

When you said
That you were spent
And now it's time
To build from
The bottom of the pit
Right to the top,
Don't look back
Packing my bags and
Giving the academy
A rain check

Jesse stands up and she walks to the stairs where teens were playing jump rope.

I don't ever want
To let you down
I don't ever want
To leave this town

Jesse sings as the boys turn to her. 

'Cause after all,
This city never sleeps at night

Jesse starts jumping with the rope making the boys laugh a little.

It's time to begin
Isn't it
I get a little bit bigger
But then, I'll admit
I'm just the same as I was
Oh, don't you understand
I'm never changing who I am

Jesse leaves the jump rope while Sebastian, Sam, and Blaine leave Kurt and they walk over to six dances and they started dancing.

Sebastian and Sam (Blaine)
This road never
Looked so lonely (lonely)
This house doesn't
Burn down slowly (slowly)
To ashes, to ashes

The boys walk over to Jesse who was in a circle where everyone has a red cup.

It's time to begin
Isn't it
I get a little bit bigger
But then I'll admit
I'm just the same as I was
Now don't you understand
I'm never changing who I am

Jesse jumps down as the boys stand by her side.

It's time to begin
Isn't it
I get a little bit bigger
But then I'll admit
I'm just the same as I was
Don't you understand
I'm never changing who I am

Jesse and the boys walk over to Kurt as the song ends. Kurt pulls Jesse in for a hug and the two share a lovely hug. "I'll miss you so much." Kurt said to her with a smile while the boys watch them with smiles on their faces.

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