Other Announcement

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Later At McKinley 
In Emma's Office

Jamey, Kurt, Jesse, Blaine, Sebastian, and Sam are called into Emma's office by Will. "Okay I have some news, someone has seen the work that I do in this school and they are asking to see me." Emma said to them. "Okay, when are they coming?" Jesse asks her. "That the thing, they want me to meet them on a boat and I will not be here to take care of you guys." Emma said to them. "And I don't want to leave you guys alone." Will said to Sam, Sebastian, and Jesse. "But we are old enough to take care of ourselves." Sam said to him. "I know but I don't want to leave you guys alone. Yes, I know you can take care of yourself but there are things you can't do." Emma said to them making the teens think about it. "What is your plan to fix this?" Sebastian asks her making Emma look at him. "I was thinking about you going Sebastian." Will said making Sebastian shock to hear that. "You are the older one and I don't want to give it to your sister because she is younger and I can't ask Jamey because he needs to be school." Will said to him making Sam, Jesse, Blaine, Jamey, and Kurt look at Sebastian who was thinking about it. "Sebastian..." Jesse said making Sebastian look at her. "If you want to go, you can go." Jesse said to him. "But I miss out on school." Sebastian said to them. "I will take care of that." Emma said to him making Sebastian look at her again. "Let me think about it." Sebastian said to her making them nod.

The teens exit the room and walk down the hallways. "Whatever you pick we will fine with it." Jesse said to Sebastian making him turn to them as the group stops walking. "I'm not." Sam said to them making everyone look at him. "I was away from you before and I hurt it." Sam said to them. "But if he does this maybe we can make money from this. More food, clothes, maybe even a new TV." Jesse said to him. "I don't care about that, I care about being with Sebastian." Sam said to Jesse and he walks away from them. "Sebastian?" Kurt said making Sebastian look at him. "I will do it, for my family. I want to make our lives easy." Sebastian said to them making them nod. "I need to find Sam." Sebastian said to them and he runs over Sam. Sebastian sees Sam by his locker taking out his books. Sebastian runs over to him making Sam look at him. "Talk to me." Sebastian said to him making Sam look away from him. "I just don't want you to leave." Sam said to him making Sebastian take a hold of Sam's shoulders and he pins Sam onto the lockers. "I will come back." Sebastian said to him as he moves his hands to Sam's lower back while Sam put his arms around his neck. "Promise..." Sam said to him making Sebastian pull him closer. "I promise, Sammy." Sebastian said to him and the two share kiss while Sam starts to tear up. 

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