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Jamey Outfit

Jesse Outfit

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Jesse Outfit

In LimaAt McKinleyIn The Hallways

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

In Lima
At McKinley
In The Hallways

Marley was talking to Jesse about being in a superhero outfit. "You will be fine, you have a nice body." Jesse said to her as the two walks into the choir room. "I am just worried about you being with Kitty." Jesse said to her making Marley look at her. "Just..." Jesse said looking at Marley. "Don't trust her." Jesse said to her making Marley nod. Later everyone was there as Ryder and Jake start their song, Superman by The Clique (R.E.M. version) and they were dress in a suit, hat, and glasses.

Jake (Ryder)
I am, (I am)

Jake and Ryder
I am superman
And I know what's happening.

Two sing while exchanging challenging looks.

Jake (Ryder)
I am, (I am)

Jake and Ryder
I am superman

They stand in front of Marley as they sing, trying to impress her by pushing and shoving each other to be in front. Jesse watches the two boys like she was watching two superheroes fight over a girl.

Jake and Ryder
And I can do anything.
You don't really love that guy you make it with now do you?
I know you don't love that guy
'Cause I can see right through you.

Ryder and Jake then throw their hats away. As the duet progresses, the boys even dare to throw their glasses onto the floor as everyone watches the intense duet duel.

Jake (Ryder)
I am, (I am)

Jake and Ryder
I am superman
And I know
What's happening

They jump onto one of the cupboards.

Jake (Ryder)
I am, (I am)

They rip off their suits and pants, like Superman would, revealing their superhero costumes. Both have the initials "MS" for MegaStud.

Jake and Ryder
I am superman
And I can do anything.
If you go a million miles away
I'll track you down girl.
Trust me when I say
I know the pathway to your heart
Oh! Oh!


Jake and Ryder

Jake and Ryder go over to Marley and sing for her again.

Jake and Ryder
If you go a million miles away
I'll track you down girl.

Jake pushes Ryder away and he takes Marley's hand pulling her off her chair.

Jake and Ryder
Trust me when I say
I know the pathway to your

Ryder goes over and removes Jake's hand from Marley and he puts his arm around her.


Jake moves Ryder and he punches him making everyone jump. "Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing!" Finn yelled at them. "Stop it!" Jamey yelled at the two boys while Kurt walks to Jesse. Ryder and Jake hit into the music stands. "Hey, hey, what's wrong with you guys?" Jamey asks them while he and Finn pull them apart. Finn and Jamey take the two out of the choir.

In The Auditorium

Finn and Jamey were in front of Ryder and Jake. "My goal was to bring you two together, not to have you dress up and...karate-chop each other in the face!" Finn said to them. "It was a lame exercise." Jake said to him making Jamey look at him. "No, you know what's lame? Not winning at Sectionals." Jamey said to him and he looks at both of them. "And if we don't get our act together, we're gonna lose, and then that's gonna be it. We need you two to get along." Jamey said to them. "I heard you, but I don't like this guy. He's working his way through every girl at this school, and I think Marley deserves better." Ryder said to them. "You have no idea what Marley wants, or deserves." Jake said to him. "Enough!" Jamey yelled at them. "Clearly, you did not take anything from my last assignment, so I'm gonna give you a new one." Finn said to them. "Will it also be lame?" Jake asks him. "Ignoring you." Jamey said to him. "It's a "Kryptonite Lesson." You two think you hate each other. I think you don't understand each other. So I want you to sit in a room and tell each other your deepest fears. Only by admitting your weaknesses can you realize your strengths." Finn said to them. "You sound like Yoda, dude." Ryder said to him. "Deal do we have?" Finn asks them making Jake and Ryder think about it.

Later In The Gym

Jesse and Jake walk over to Ryder who was with Sam who had a jockstrap on his head. "When Gotham is ashes, then you have my permission to die." Sam said in Bane's voice. "Good to know, Bane." Ryder said to him while Sam stands up. "Is that a jockstrap?" Jesse asks him as she and Jake walk over. "Let the games begin!" Sam yelled and walks away. Jake walks up to Ryder and he passes Ryder a note detailing his secret fear. "What's this?" Ryder asks him. "What Finn and Jamey wanted us to talk about. My Kryptonite." Jake said while Ryder opens the letter. "Don't just hand me some lame note... be a man, tell me face-to-face." Ryder said while closing the letter. "My whole life, I've never felt like I fit in. Not anywhere." Jake said to them. "Why?" Ryder asks him. "I'm half white, half black, half Jewish. And just in case I forget...someone always reminds me." Jake said to them with a sad face. "So, what's your Kryptonite?" Jake asks Ryder. "You know what, forget it. This whole thing was stupid." Ryder said to them and he walks away from them. "Ryder wait." Jesse calls him following him with Jake right behind her. "Ryder, you need to so you two can get along." Jesse said to Ryder making him look at her, not Jake. "I made him tell me what his note said, 'cause I couldn't read it." Ryder said to them and he walks away from them.

In The Hallways

Jesse finds Ryder by his locker and Jesse runs over to him. "Hey, let me help you." Jesse said making Ryder look at her. "With what?" Ryder asks her. "Reading, I don't mind." Jesse said to him making Ryder laugh. "Are you going to tell your brothers and the three of you going to make fun of me behind my back." Ryder said to her. "No, that is not my style." Jesse said to him and she takes Ryder's hand. "Let me help you, Ryder." Jesse said to him making Ryder nod. "Okay, let's do it." Ryder said to her with a smile.

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