Bring Him Home

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At Night 
In New York
In The Dancing Room

Kurt looks at everyone in the room. "Hey." Jamey said making Kurt look at him. "You can do this." Jamey said to him. Kurt leans up kissing Jamey slowly making Jamey put his hand on Kurt's neck holding him close. "Welcome to Midnight Madness." Brody said to everyone making Jamey and Kurt pull away from each other and Kurt puts his head on Jamey's forehead. "We all know the rules. One song at a time, two singers per song. If you go flat, you lose. Now, the playing space has been split into two. One side per competitor. After the song, I will give you the signal, and you stand with whoever you think won. Majority rules. The group's decision is final. No appeal. No mercy, and only silent applause. This is not a performance. This is a blood sport." Brody said to them and he looks at his list. "First up, Rachel Berry versus Kurt Hummel." Brody said to everyone making Kurt look at Jamey. "You can do it." Jamey said to him and he gives Kurt a quick kiss as Cooper walks into the room and he joins Jamey on the floor. Kurt stands up and joins Brody and Rachel in front. Brody takes a song from a hat and he looks at the two. "Now, the song you will be competing with is "Bring Him Home", from "Les Miz". You guys know it?" Brody asks them. "Mm-hmm." Rachel said to him. "Per Midnight Madness protocol, since Kurt challenged Rachel, he will be going first." Brody said to them and Rachel sits down again while the band starts playing.

God on high
Hear my prayer
In my need
You have always been there

Kurt looks at Jamey who was watching him with Cooper.

He is young
He's afraid
Let him rest
Heaven blessed
Bring him home
Bring him home
Bring him home

He's like the son
I might have known
If God had granted me a son.
The summers die
One by one
How soon they fly
On and on
And I am old
And will be gone.

Bring him peace
Bring him joy
He is young
He is only a boy

You can take
You can give
Let him be
Let him live
If I die, let me die
Let him live
Bring him home
Bring him home
Bring him home

The song ends and everyone gives him silent applause and Kurt sits down next to Jamey while Rachel walks to the front. Kurt sits on Jamey's lap and he puts his face in Jamey's chest. "You did great, love." Jamey said to him while Cooper pats Kurt's back. Rachel starts singing while Kurt watches her as he puts his head on Jamey's chest. At the end of the song, Kurt leaves Jamey's lap and he goes to the front with Rachel and Brody. "Okay, make your choice." Brody said to everyone. People who attended the performances line up on the side of their favorite, and Rachel's followers pick Kurt's side resulting in a close-run win for Kurt. "All right. And the winner by the closest margin in Midnight Madness history is Mr. Kurt Hummel." Brody said to them making Kurt smile and everyone gives him silent applause while Kurt hugs Jamey who kisses his cheek.

In New York
At Endwell, Broome County
In Cooper and Jamert Household

Jamey, Kurt, and Cooper arrive home with some food. "That was crazy." Cooper said while the three put the food on the table. "That felt so good, I feel great." Kurt said to them with a smile. "And that good that you feel like that." Jamey said to him making Kurt look at him and the two share a kiss and there was a knock on the door. Jamey walks over to the door and he opens the door to see Santana. "Santana. What are you doing here?" Jamey asks her, Santana smiles at him. Santana kisses Jamey's cheek and she walks in with her bag. "I hope you say yes." Santana said to them as Jamey closes the door. "What's up?" Kurt asks her. "I hoping you guys will take me in as a new roommate." Santana said to the three making them all shocked to hear that. "I and Brittany are no longer together and I thought I can start my life in New York with you guys." Santana said to them making the three look at each other. "Sure, you can stay with us." Jamey said to her making Santana give Jamey a big hug. "Thank you, James." Santana said to her with a smile. "Are you hungry?" Cooper asks her making Santana look at him. "Yeah, I can eat." Santana said to him with a smile. 

Glee - Homeward Bound Home Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora