"Is it okay now?" He asks, a little worried.

"Yeah. Can you see the gun and the strap?" I question turning around to see if he can see any outline.

Carlo places one of his hands on my ass. "Nope."

I turn around to see him smiling at my ass and then looking back at me. Rolling my eyes we both walk out of the apartment and make our way over to our limo.


"Hey momma." Carlo greets his mom with a kiss on her forehead. "And Rico." Carlo finished with a glare at the man.

"Son." Rico acknowledges looking at something in the distance.

Rose looks at me with questioning eyes, I re adjust the purse in my hand and she seems to understand.

"Do you want me to carry it for you?" Carlo questions.

"No!" I say a little too loudly. I clear my throat and repeat myself a little quieter.

He looks at me confused but brushes it off as we walk past a group of photographers that think this is a ball for normal famous people. Not knowing that all the people that have set foot into the building are a part of the most lethal Mafias.

I cover my face all the way up until we are inside. The room is filled with chatter and light music in the background as people talk and are probably organising alliances.

"Adelaide, come with me for a second." Rose blurts out and Carlo goes to walk with us. "It'll only be for a second." Carlo reluctantly nods his head and Rose holds my hand and pulls me away from Carlo to the bar.

We sit at the end of the bar in a little corner. "Positive or negative?" She asks.

I choke on my own breath and start coughing a little. I see Carlo staring at us and fighting with himself on whether he should come over or not.

"I don't know." I answer after I recover from my little choke.

"What do you mean?"

"Carlo said we had to leave before I even looked at them." I look at the small watch on my wrist. "They should be ready now. But I'm too scared to look." I mumble and the bartender passes the two of us a glass of something.

"Thanks." I mumble and go to shot it back but Rose places her hand over the glass.

"You can drink when you find out." She says very sternly it makes me a little scared, she raises an eyebrow at me. "Got it."

"Yes ma'am." I blurt out quickly.

She smiles as if she didn't just snap a little. "Good. Now go back to Carlo."

"Yes ma'am." I say again and kiss her cheek quickly before making my way through a small crowd and over to Carlo who holds me at arms length and spectates me.

"Why were you coughing?"

"The drink went down the wrong hole." I lie.

He stares at me as if he doesn't believe me but he lets it go and we stand next to each other watching everyone in the room for anyone familiar.

Carlo pulls me into a hug and I move my head where it's hidden.

"Everyone okay?" I question into the earpiece that everyone in the room with us and outside have.

"Yeah." They all say.

I pull away from our hug and step back a little, Carlo takes my hand in his and we both walk over to a table that Rose and Rico are sat at because the table is reserved for us.

CarloNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ