Chapter 42- reverse (II) (END)

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Heavy footsteps crashed against the slippery dirt, feet nearly losing footing before regaining their balance. Their breathing largely taking in air, loud, quick, and raspy. Running endlessly, unknown where to go and what to look for.

No thought were generated through their brain, only looking for the main source.

Teeth grinding against each other, the pressure increasing before release the tension.

Their hands landed on their knees, bending over to experience black spots invaded their vision. Head spinning from the lack of oxygen, pupils conflicted with each other about expanding or shrinking.

The man calmed down their breathing before deciding to take a chance to relax and think things through.

Frisk took his final breath and stood up straight to stare at the depressing dark blue gradient sky. His Heterochromia eyes reflected the lonely moon, the only company was the twinkling star.

He clenched his fists until his knuckles are white, his brain wandering to a dark mindset atmosphere, eyes closed as he thought about his wife. his beautiful goddess of a wife, oh, how his mourns to have her back in his arms.

Her lovely smile, her foxy demeanor when she flirted with him, the pride she held when she was speaking about her children. Now broken from a women he thought will be his middle school sweetheart, to a murderer who craved violence that anything that moves.

That persona wasn't explored for a long time. Which wasn't supposed to happen, killing a whole species just to have his lover back to a state she can't go back from? Emotional torturing a monster who could remember his friends and family being turned into dust?

Frisk knew his hard work was crashing towards the ground, his once undetermined terminal condition was now sky rocketing.

His soul was twice as small as it originally was, yet it was still corrupted. There is no way to SAVE her without giving his lover his own soul, but that will create a third chance for all of this to happen again


The black tears slowly dragging down his cheeks, sticking to his chin once it reached to their unfinished destination.

His soul slowly beating, giving a solid signal what he should do next. Though it ached, it was meant to be to complete his unfinished story tale.

Snapping back to face towards the woods, he glared at nothing before running where his other half lies. The soul being a phantom compass to lead him towards the cursed treasure of a forbidden island.


Chara rested on a cold stone wall, hands swelling red screaming to take a break. She dropped a small sliver blade covered in a dark liquid to the ground.

Red eyes went over the limp body that hasn't moved for a while. She grinned at the thought the body is confirmed dead, her thoughts craving more sacrifice but her body protesting to fulfill her needs.

Typical for a human's body needing rest.

Chara ignored her humanly health before standing up to leave the abandoned lab. A grunt slipped from her lips when she took her first steps, this action made her cling against the wall with a huff.

She raised her left hand to check her stats, a smack of her lips determined her HP was low. But her soul was slowly increasing the beat of her criminal lover getting closer and closer towards their lovely honeymoon. She lower her hand to support her weight on the wall against and heading off towards the entrance of the moonlight lingering in.

She softly smiled, thinking of the times they spent together as young children. Eyes fogged when it hovered over about her own children. How small they are, unready to face the world with their influenced parents going rogue.

Oh how the world is so cruel, giving her a second chance only to steal that glimmer shine of hope away from her grasp. Chara bit the bottom of her lips to prevent the weak sound to leave her mouth, however that point was given to be useless. A sob escape her lips as she collapsed on her knees, bruises them at the process. Her breath was stolen when her heart came at a steady beat.

Arms wrapped around her waist and she welcomed them with opened arms by curling up for comfort.

"Do we have to?" Chara whispered through dried lips. Frisk tighten his gripped before nuzzled the back of her neck, giving small kisses. His wife raised a hand to cup his cheek and Frisk seeks it like it was the last one left.

"It's either we live as monsters or give our children a life without problems." He followed the hand that caressed his cheek. Her fingertips pulling away only to return with sticky black residue.

Chara turned her head to face her lover, the first thing she saw was how bloody he was. Frisk's grin was disturbing, showing off his abnormal canines. Two different shades of red still couldn't compete with the dark stains clinging to his outfit.

Frisk moved his hand to intertwined with his wife, unknown to her that she is reflected the same grin. He leaned in to share a kiss as if it was meant to keep a secret.

His eyes landed on the unoccupied weapon on the floor, his hand grabbed the handle and lifted up between both of their faces. "Remember your brother words? The place where we first met?" Chara scoffed when he wiggled his eyebrows, she clasped her fingers around his knuckles to lead them down, letting the blade point towards his stomach. "Where you couldn't let your eyes off of me?" A giggle that held playfulness inside.

The sharp object now poked his stomach.

"In this world, it's killed or be killed."
Frisk connected their forehead together, sharing the same air. He stretched his smile to leave crinkle around them.

Chara grins, summoning her own knife to poke herself on the delicate part of her skin.

"Who said you were in control?"

So Uh... that's the end. Cliffhanger ending and unmotivated writing from me. Can't write a story you no longer have any idea involved or hyperfixed on but at least it had a ending.

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