Future's End Part 1

Start from the beginning

Captain Janeway started to come to, while he was scrummaging through the kit. "Chakotay?.." She said very quietly, snapping him back into gear. "Captain! Don't try to move until I can find something to stop the bleeding." He told her, while finally finding some gauze. She opened her eyes to find the EMH, and weakly asked "Doctor?..How are you here?..What's going on?" He answered as best as he could, before getting serious and telling her "This is going to hurt, so just try and stay as still as possible." She blinked her eyes in agreement, and waited. Pain roared through her entire body as the gauze touched the wound. "I'm sorry Captain! I know it hurts, but we don't have anything for the pain." He said, while beckoning for the assistant to help out with something.

Starling approved and let the assistant walk towards the two of them. "I need you to press down on this as hard as you can, while I find some material to wrap it and keep it in place." The doctor basically ordered him, and found some bandages. He started wrapping the tan bandaging over the wound, but stopped when he said "Alright Captain, I'm going to have this man lift your back up so I get the bandage around you. It'll hurt, but just try and stay awake and focus on my voice..." He watched her nod her head, before turning to the assistant and telling him "I need you to keep pressure on this with one hand, and with the other you will need to arch her back until I say to stop." The assistant did as he was told, when a gasp of pain emanated from her mouth at the newfound pain.

The doctor was quick to finish up with the bandage, and noticed that the captain was not conscious. He was sent into a panic and started frantically grabbing a pillow to prop her up, so she could be a bit more comfortable. Her pulse was getting stronger, but she was still not waking back up. "Captain? Captain, can you hear me? You need to wake up!" The doctor kept pressuring her, until she finally started to stir. He let out a small but loud sigh, when he saw her blue eyes peek out. "Doctor?...Can I sit up?..Please?" She asked tiredly, but he shook his head and told her "I'm sorry, but not yet. You need to be perfectly still for a while." He watched as her eyes fluttered open and closed, and was quick to talk to her. "Captain, tell me what happened? Try and tell me everything. Just keep talking" She started to pull herself up letting the pain rage until she was out of energy.

The doctor watched as she managed to sit upright, before falling limp and leaned against the doctor's shoulder. "Come on Captain, let's get you settled against the couch, okay?" She nodded and welcomed all the help she could get. Once she was all settled, the assistant ran out of the room to check on security details. "Alright Captain, the bleeding has slowed down." The doctor whispered to her, while Starling was talking about his plan. Suddenly he shot out of his chair and called out "Get her up, we're going for a drive." The doctor shot up and yelled back "She is in no condition to move, and I'm only a hologram so I can't leave the building without a holo grid." Starling walked over to him and slapped something on his arm before saying "This is a mobile emitter and will allow you to leave the building." The doctor just stood there amazed, as he continued to walk towards the door saying "As for your Captain! well she managed to sit up just fine so you can get her up and out to the car just fine." The Doctor was just about ready to punch him in the face, but went over to the Captain instead as he saw her trying to stand up by herself. "Let me help you!" He pleaded, when he arrived at her side.

Suddenly she went limp and started falling to the ground, but the doctor was quick to lift her into his arms causing her to let a pained sound escape her gritted teeth. The doctor caught up with Starling who irritatingly said "well that wasn't what I had planned, but I guess that will work." They walked out of the building, where a black limo style car was waiting. The assistant opened Starling's door and waited until he got in, before saying "Here I'll get the door for you. I assure you that I had no idea he was going to nearly kill her. I was just ordered to shoot her once, but he had made changes to it, so that it would be able to send electrical currents at the touch of a button." The doctor just nodded and set the Captain down in the car before diving in after her.

Starling sat on one side, while the Doctor had the Captain laying across his lap. The Captain's world faded to black and everything went silent. She was awoken by the car skidding to a stop. The doctor made sure that she did not fall off the seat. Starling told them "We are going to get out, but I can assure that your people are probably here so incase you want to do something stupid I brought this." He held up the feared silver remote that has caused the Captain a lot of suffering. Starling's assistant opened his door and stepped back. Against his bosses' requests he bent over and helped the Doctor lift the Captain out of the car. "Doctor...please put me down so...I can walk..." She asked weakly, and the only response that she got was the feeling that her feet were touching the ground. "Thank you..." Starling flashed the remote, before he pushed his hand into his pocket. The doctor helped to add more pressure to her side, but he could tell it wasn't working. Out of the corner of his eyes he caught a glimpse of Commander Chakotay. Starling met his employee, but before he could say anything, the starfleet crew came out of their hiding spots.

Lieutenant Tuvok and Paris restrained Starling, but not before he pressed the button again. Chakotay watched Kathryn's eyes roll back into her head and start falling towards the ground. The Doctor eased her down, but she was still convulsing so Chakotay couldn't touch her. Finally the employee ripped the remote out of his hands, and watched as Kathryn fell still. Chakotay finally gathered her up in his arms hoping she was okay. "Chakotay to Voyager! 6 to beam directly to sickbay." They all vanished, including Starling. Tuvok and Paris put Starling behind a forcefield, while Chakotay rushed to lay his wife down as far away from him as possible. The doctor called out "Mr. Paris, I need the surgical equipment NOW!" Tom ran into his office, while he administered a hypospray to the Captain to make sure she didn't wake up during the surgery. Meanwhile back on Earth, Starling's assistant used the transporter on the 29th century ship that he stole to transport Starling to the surface.

Kathryn awoke at hearing Chakotay yelling for someone to stop the transport. She had felt better, and was ready to get back to work. Chakotay didn't notice that she had pushed herself into a seating position, and had her legs dangling off of the bed. With one more grunt she was now standing on her own two feet. Chakotay spun around just in time to help her regain her balance. "Kathryn, what are you doing? You just had major surgery." He said praying that she would listen to him for once. She looked into his eyes and said "I feel fine honey, but where is Starling?.."

The End

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