Up and Coming Resistance

Start from the beginning

Her eyes fluttered open and she saw her dashing husband with Neelix kneeling over her. "Chakotay?..Where am I?" She spoke very weakly. "You're in main engineering. Neelix brought you back. I am so very proud of you my dear." She let a smile inch its way onto her pale face and tiredly asked "Why are you proud...that I got shot honey?" He shook his head and told her "Sweetheart I'm proud of you for fighting a soldier that was triple your size. I guess all that extra practice I've helped you with has definitely improved your performance." She tried to laugh but more pain surfaced as a result.

Chakotay was quick to notice the discomfort and saw the blood continue to pool out of his love. "Chakotay to sick bay! Medical emergency! Doctor, we need you in engineering." He said smacking his combadge, and never taking his eyes off of his wife. Neelix fixed her makeshift pillow again and said, "Hold on captain. The doctor is on his way." She smiled up at him before turning to Chakotay with a sense of love. "...Chakotay?.." He looked down at her with the same look in his eyes. "Yes my dear?" She lightly reached up to his uniform and pulled it down so that their lips were able to meet. He deepened the kiss for a second before she fell back down onto the makeshift pillow. "Whatever did I do...to deserve you my love?" Janeway asked just as the engineering doors flew open, letting the doctor rush to them as fast as he could. "Commander! What happened?" He asked, pulling his tricorder out and scanning her.

Neelix and the Commander both explained what happened to her. "Well according to this she has lost a considerable amount of blood. The first shot went through her kidney, and liver. Whereas the second shot went straight through all the tissue and is lodged into a space between her clavicle and scapula. She also has 2 cracked ribs, and 3 bruised ribs." Chakotay cupped her face and said lightly "Honey, you have to fight this. Okay? If not for me, then for the crew." She nodded her head, letting Chakotay ask "Can we transport her to sickbay?" The doctor scanned her once more, but shook his head telling them "It would not be wise. You'll need to carry her Commander." She laughed when he said that, telling them "I don't think...that will be a problem for him..." Chakotay positioned himself in a way that he could still put pressure on her wounds. "Alright my dear, throw your arms around me." She threw her left arm around his neck, but pain raged from her right arm when she tried to move it. Neelix helped bend her elbow so that her right arm was resting over her midsection. When she was finally in a good position, Chakotay was finally able to lift her off the ground.

They all followed behind and took off towards sickbay. The doctor was quick to gather materials. He yelled out "Gentleman, lay her down on the biobed!" Neelix helped Chakotay lower her onto the biobed, causing her to moan in pain at the slightest movement. "Hold on my dear. We're going to get you better, okay?" She grinned and tightened her grasp on Chakotay's hand. The doctor gave her a sedative so that he could perform surgery. He knew better than to try and break the command team apart, so Chakotay stayed in one spot and that was by his wife's side.

The surgery took a bit longer than expected, but worked almost perfectly. The doctor finally was able to get her stabilized, and left to go file her report. Chakotay never took his eyes off his Captain, but he found it was more than that. He could have lost his wife, and the only person he'll ever truly love.

Janeway felt herself waking up a couple hours later. "Chakotay?" She called out tiredly. He suddenly came into her view and said "Hey honey. You're awake. How do you feel?" She turned her head to see him smiling down at her, and told him "...I've been better..." Suddenly fear and worry crept onto her face, and she started pulling herself up frantically saying "We need to get Torres and Tuvok out of the prison...Ohhh!" Chakotay was quick to lay her back down before saying "We sent Neelix down with Paris to get them. I promise! Now you just work on getting yourself better." She nodded, while trying to settle back down. He noticed her discomfort again, and gently moved her slinged arm. "Why is my right arm in a sling?..Chakotay?" He reminded her that she had been shot in the shoulder when the doctor walked in adding "I put your arm in a sling, because I knew that it would be the only way for your shoulder to get the rest it needs." She laughed, but that still didn't agree with her, so the doctor administered a painkiller.

The two of them helped raise the back of the bed up, which was just in time for Tuvok and Torres to beam into sickbay. "You two are okay?" They smiled at her, when Torres ran to envelope the captain in a tight hug. She let out a slight wince, causing B'elanna to pull away saying "Oh! I'm sorry captain. I didn't see the sling. Are you alright?" She smiled and said "I'm fine...Just a bum shoulder for a couple of weeks...Besides that I'll be completely healthy." The very next day the captain stepped onto the bridge still with her shoulder bound.

Chakotay noticed that she was having a difficult time untwisting the strap in the back, so he motioned for Harry to run and help. He bolted from his station, and helped her untwist the dreadful strap. She spent the rest of her shift massaging her sore shoulder and everyone was quick to notice. Two days later she walked into the mess hall, only to find everyone standing there holding little gift boxes and a banner that read 'We're glad you're alright Captain!' She was so happy and let Chakotay lead her onto the dance floor (which apparently they had installed without her knowing.) The two of them shared a dance. She wrapped her one arm around his neck, while both of his hands rested around her waist. She let her head drop down before whispering "Thank you Chakotay. I needed this." He flashed his dimples but told her "Actually this was the entire senior staff idea. I was only told to show up at 1600 hours." Everyone on Voyager couldn't imagine being any happier.

The End

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