Harry got to the ground, when suddenly Janeway lost her grip on the ladder and started falling towards him. "CAPTAIN!!!" Harry yelled out, catching her in his arms before she could fall too far down. He quickly set her down, so that he could find a pulse and check her side. After a minute of looking, he finally found her weak pulse.

She stirred a bit, letting Harry let out a breath that he hadn't realized that he had been holding. "...Harry?.." She asked quietly, and he looked up to see her eyes open. "Yes Captain? I'm here, and we're almost back to the doctor. Just a little bit longer, okay?" He told her, and watched as she flew onto her good side and started to vomit up pure dark red blood.

Harry held her hair back until she was done, then helped her back to her feet so they could walk to the holodeck. They took it slow, and after turning 4 more corners they finally arrived at the entrance that they had started before they made the journey to get to the bridge. She again fell limp in his arms, so he held her up and fast walked through the doors. When they got back into Sandrine's he called out "Can I get some help over here?" The doctor and Kes whirled around to see Harry holding up their captain.

The doc ran straight to her side, and motioned for Harry to lift her up. Kes supported her head, when the doctor asked "Harry, what happened?" They carried her over to the fainting couch while he told the doc what happened. When they got her laying down he was quick to yell out "Sandrine, I need a cloth NOW." The woman quickly gave on to Kes, who ran back over to the doctor. He pressed it down on her side, causing her to jolt awake. "...Where?.." She asked weakly, and let out a groan when she tried to pull herself up onto her feet. "No captain, you have to stay off your feet. Okay?" She agreed, and let the doctor push her down onto her back. She was losing a lot more blood then the doctor would have liked, and was not surprised when she lost consciousness.

Chakotay and Tuvok turned a corner and found Harry standing in front of a panel trying to fix some of the controls, and they noticed the blood on his uniform. Chakotay was quick to ask "Harry, your uniform is covered in blood! What happened? Are you okay? Is the Captain okay?" He turned away from the console with sadness in his eyes. "The captain came into contact with the anomaly, and has been in and out of consciousness for two hours now...And when we first got the hatch open she was hit in the side by an energy discharge, and is losing a lot of blood."

As fast as a cheetah the two officers left Harry standing alone in the corridors, and rushed onto the holodeck. Chakotay saw his love just opening her eyes. He ran straight to her and said "Kathryn?" She turned to see him, letting a small smile spread from ear to ear. "...Chakotay..." She whispered searching for his hand, once she found it he was quick to grasp it and kiss her knuckles. She tried to pull herself up and asked "Please tell me you made it to the bridge...and just came here to give. me a status report...Ouch." They helped ease her down onto the couch, before Tuvok spoke up "I'm sorry to inform you Captain, but our attempt to reach the bridge was unsuccessful." She sighed and kept trying to get back to her feet. "Kathryn, please stay off your feet. Nobody will benefit if you die, now will they?" She smiled weakly, and reluctantly gave up. "Captain, let's get you laying back down. Okay?" The doctor asked, while getting ready to lift her legs back up onto the couch. Chakotay helped Kathryn turn slightly so her back against the couch. "Captain, I'm sorry but this is going to hurt." The doctor told her, and continued to lift her legs onto the couch.

Kathryn tried to bite her lip to hide the pain, but it was so interminable that a gasp escaped her gritted teeth. Her hand squeezed Chakotay's, and the other gripped the wall as tight as she could. Once her legs were settled down, the pain went down to something that was a bit more manageable. After another hour had passed before Paris and Torres suddenly appeared on top of the pool table. Tuvok and Harry left Chakotay and the doctor with the captain. "Please tell me you two have been to the bridge?" Harry asked. Paris helped B'elanna down from the table, but they just groaned in frustration. They both noticed Chakotay kneeling next to the Captain; letting Paris frantically ask "What happened to the Captain, Harry?" It was a long story, and in about 10 minutes everyone was filled in on the situation. Harry and B'elanna took off to main engineering, and tried to set off an explosion to try to stop the temporal flux throughout the whole ship. It worked all too well, and caused the fluctuations to speed up. They both ran into the room with the flux right behind them. Chakotay broke away from Kathryn when she again lost the battle of staying conscious. Her whole left side of her uniform was stained with blood, along with a couch and piece of cloth that they had replaced an infinite number of times. He took a spot at a nearby table with B'elanna and contacted their spirit guides. Chakotay wished that the love of his life would be alright. Tom and Harry stood next to the table, and tried to lighten the mood. The doctor pulled Kes into a hug, seeing as though she was so worried about Neelix who turned a corner and was just gone. Tuvok laid his hand down next to the Captain, to reassure him that she was still breathing.
The anomaly enveloped the whole room, but the fireplace sputtered and everyone found themselves still on the holodeck. They all laughed and hugged each other for the sole reason that they were still alive. A quiet moan rang through the room, causing Chakotay to rush back to the fainting couch. Everyone crowded around, when Chakotay quietly asked "Kathryn? Can you hear me?" Her eyes fluttered open to show her beautiful blue eyes. She fought to pull herself up, but more pain surfaced. "Captain, we have got to get you to sickbay ASAP." the doctor yelled out, motioning for Chakotay to talk to her. "The doctor's right! please let me carry you to sickbay? please?" She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, letting her head fall against his shoulder. She looked up, sweetly saying "for as long as you'll want to carry me." He lowered his head to meet her lips, causing wolf whistles and cheers to erupt from everyone in the room. "You know, we've been trying to get you two together for an eternity. Finally you take the hint, that you are meant for eachother." They broke apart, and Chakotay was quick to press down a newly ripped cloth to her side but wasn't surprised that the bleeding had not slowed one bit. "Captain, we need to go NOW." The Doctor called out, as they all took off running towards the nearest turbolifts. Chakotay rode the first one with Paris, Kes and the Doctor, while the rest of them ran to the next one.

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