New Projections

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She relaxed a bit, but had to ask "I assume Torres and I...were able to stop the core breach?" He nodded, when suddenly B'elanna's voice sputtered through the bridge saying "Torres to bridge!...Can anybody hear me?" Janeway took this opportunity to grab onto the doctor's shoulder and pull herself up. "We hear you, lieutenant. Go ahead...Ohhh!" She stumbled a bit, but the doctor was there and supported her weak gait. "Captain? Are you alright?" Janeway squeezed the doctor's arm, trying to take her mind off of all the pain but it wasn't working. "I'm fine...Glad you convinced the doctor to make a house call..." The doctor knew she was getting weaker and weaker by the minute, but she was determined to stay on the bridge. "I'll get the crew out of the escape pods...Keep trying to get all engineering systems online..." She said and signaled for the doctor to help her over to a control panel not too far from where they were standing. He acknowledged what she said, and led her slowly over to the panel. "Captain, what do you need me to do?" She shot him with an aggravated look, but he wasn't standing down.

She suddenly felt a lot dizzier than she did a moment ago, and started falling forward. The doctor caught her, and was quick to lower her onto the nearest console. "Captain, I need you to stay off your feet and keep the pressure on your side. Okay?" She nodded, letting him continue to say "What do I need to do?" She had to think about what needed to be done, when a cry for help rang through the bridge. "I need help. I'm in the mess hall, with a kazon. Can anyone hear me?" Janeway pushed herself up and yelled out "Neelix, this is the captain." She let a pained sound escape her gritted teeth hoping the doctor didn't notice, but he did and she was sitting on the console shortly after. The doctor continued to disengage the launching mechanisms, and was right back to her side within seconds. "Captain, it's good to hear your voice. Don't worry, a security team just arrived." Neelix called through the com link shortly after, when suddenly he heard the doctor cry out "Captain? Come on, stay with me."

Chakotay was standing next to him and heard each word. Worry crept up onto his face as he frantically asked "Doctor? What's happening? Is something wrong with the captain?" Back on the bridge the doctor managed to get her sitting on the ground, leaning against a panel that they were working on and she was barely conscious. "The captain was hit by a falling support beam, and it cut through her side. The tricorder I have isn't working, so I can't tell how badly she is hurt. All I know is she has lost a great deal of blood and is continuing to lose even more." He could hear Chakotay mentally screaming in fear, but he called back through "Kathryn, hold on. I'm on my way." She smiled lightly, letting her head fall back. "Doctor, you're needed in the mess hall. Looks like Neelix took a bit of beating from the Kazon." Chakotay finally called through the com link, but waited until he acknowledged his order before ending the comm link. Chakotay ran out of the mess hall, and straight into the nearest turbolift.

On the bridge the doctor grabbed another piece of gauze, so that she could have something to hold against her side. "Alright captain, I have to go to the mess hall. I need you to hold this tightly against your side, okay?" She nodded, letting him replace her hand with his; he said one more thing. "Commander Chakotay is on his way, but until he arrives, I need you to stay focused and awake. Can you do that for me?" She smiled and tried to stand, but the result was no different than the last time. "Please hold on Captain. This crew needs you to stay alive to order them around." She smiled and he quickly left her alone on the bridge.

Janeway knew she had to do something to help with the repairs, so she decided to crawl towards helm control. Pain ripped through her side, as she turned to look back to see a trail of blood following her. Finally when she had plotted a course and engaged thrusters, she fell back to the ground in pain. Chakotay still had not arrived, and she could feel herself losing strength. She fought her way up the carpeted stairs towards her chair, but halfway there she lost all strength and felt her heavy eyes lose all power to stay awake.

The turbolift doors opened, letting Chakotay run onto the bridge yelling "Kathryn? Kathryn, can you hear me?" He looked out to see her face down near her chair, and noticed the blood trail that fell behind her. "Oh my god, Kathryn!" He cried out, running down and straight to her side. She was still breathing, and he let out a loud sigh. He rolled her onto her back and was quick to press down on her side, moving her hand off letting it rest on the ground. "Kathryn? Come on! come back to me...Please wake up?" He gently stroked her cheeks and let out a short laugh when she began to stir. "...Chakotay..?" She asked no louder than a whisper, as she fought to open her eyes. "I'm here Kathryn. Hold on for me, okay?" She weakly reached up to grab the front of his uniform, and started pulling herself up. She cried out, as he helped her lean up against her chair.

His eyes flew down to her right side and saw that she was losing a lot more blood than he thought. "Chakotay to the doctor!" He yelled out. "Commander, I'm on my way with Mr. Paris. How is she doing?" He looked down at her, but she spoke out "I'm fine...ow..." He interrupted by pressing down harder on the still gushing wound and said "No she is not doing fine. She is getting worse.." She could hear the doctor take off running, and Paris say "We're on our way. Just hold on a bit longer captain."

The comm link ended, and left Chakotay to say something that the captain had not expected "Kathryn, you need to stay alive for me. Okay? You're the only person I'll ever love, so I need you to fight. Can you do that?" She looked into his eyes and let a wide smile creep its way across her cheeks. "Did you...basically just say...I love you to me..for the first time?.." He flashed his dimples and right then and there, she knew she was done for. With the little strength she had; she shot up and planted a light but promising kiss on his lips. He cupped her cheek and deepened the kiss, when suddenly her lips broke away, and her head dropped onto his shoulder. When he looked down she was still awake, and he laughed "I'm sorry, Chakotay. My head was starting to get heavy, and I'm so tired. I just wanted to lay down on your shoulders." What are the odds that the first time they are officially together, she is injured. "I am never leaving your side again. And next time you want the crew to abandon ship, you are going along even if I have to drag you out kicking and screaming. Understood?" She tried to laugh, but more pain surfaced, so she weakly said "I still outrank you mister...But Thanks Chakotay...I love you.." He kissed her forehead, when she tilted her head up and he met her lips.

They stayed like that for much longer than the first time, when suddenly Paris and the Doctor ran through the turbolift doors. They stopped, Tom whistled and said "Finally. You know we've been trying to get you two together for years! Congratulations!" The couple pulled apart, and the two medics could see that she wasn't doing good. When they arrived at her side, the doctor quickly scanned her. Finally he was able to see that she had massive internal bleeding, a mild concussion, and major external bleeding. "Captain, we need to get you to sick bay right away! Lieutenant Paris and Commander Chakotay are gonna carry you, okay?" She responded only by reaching out her arms to wrap around Chakotay's neck loosely. "Chakotay, on three. One, two, three, Now!" They both lifted her off the ground, causing her head to fall onto Chakotay's broad shoulders. At that moment they all knew life on Voyager was going to be better.

The End

Collection of Changes to Star Trek Voyager *Revised edition*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora