33: Obsessed

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2 months later...

The Kangs moved in to Seulgi's parents as her mother suggested after knowing Irene is pregnant to their third grandchildren. As usual, Seulgi was still busy managing the company but put an extra effort to take care of her pregnant wife and their kids.

Speaking of Irene, she's now in her room crying for one reason, her babies are going to school today. Commonly, the kids who supposed to cry but Irene makes it uncommon. She's so attached to them to the point not wanting them to leave in her eyesight.

"Joohyun-ah did you see..." Seulgi's dad will ask Irene about the twin's things but when he noticed that the girl is in tears, he stopped.

Irene immediately wipes her tears.

"See what, dad?" she asked in shaky voice.

Grandpa Kang chuckled then laugh seeing Irene in tears.

"You and your mom is really hahahaha.. funny!" he exclaimed earning a confuse look from Irene "You're crying because today is the twins' first day of school?" he asked.

"She cried before too?"

"Hysterically. She thought Seulgi will not go home anymore or she will never see her again!" Mr. Kang stated.

Irene thought that too. The reason why her tears pour and getting teary whenever her wife mention to her about Sooyoung and Yerim going to school was because she's thinks that she will never ever see her babies anymore which is truly absurd.

"I can't help dad.." Irene once again sobs.

"I don't understand what you and your mom in that matter but I know that mother-daughter bond is completely different to ours, dads." he embrace the crying girl and tap her back for some comfort "Please give us boy this time.." Mr. Kang jokes as two of them laugh.


All of them are in the living room, Seulgi and her dad giggling seeing how cute the twins in their attire now while Irene and Seulgi's mother are busy organizing the school girls' stuffs.

"I don't want to go to school..." Sooyoung keeps whining since last night.

"It's fun there baby..." Mrs. Kang lifting the whining girl's mood up.

"Nothing is more fun grandma seeing dada annoyed!" Sooyoung retorted that made the adults laugh except Seulgi who's mocking her first born by making funny faces.

"Come on Joy unnie.. grandpa told us he will buy us cupcakes later after when we got back." Yerim blurted out.

"Let's go now big girls." Seulgi exclaimed after she check the time in her wristwatch.


Seulgi's POV

We're here now at the parking lot. The twins of course having a story telling while we were on our way here and my wife was just silent in the whole ride.

I carry their little backpacks and Irene holding their hands to make our way to their classroom until we reached it.

"Be a good girl Sooyoung and Yerim, okay?" my wife addressed then my girls just nodded giving us a huge smile.

"Mommy I'm shy.." Yerim suddenly confessed while pouting, she's referring to their classmates.

"Don't be.. besides unnie is with you, two of you will have a bunch of friends here." my wife encourage our kids "I will cook whatever you want later when you got home, is that okay?" she told them.

The twins face lit up especially Yeri then nod their heads vigorously.

"Yes!" two of them cheers.

I was just looking and listening on them and realizing that they were indeed a big girls now. It feels like yesterday when they're still a babies.
Time flew so fast.

"Let's go." I hear Joohyun said the we walk the twins inside their classroom.

Some kids are crying and not wanting to let go their mommy or daddy. The others are already talking and the rest is just sitting in their seats.

"Good morning Mrs. Kang, I am your daughter's teacher, Minatozaki Sana." the girl in pencil skirt and white long sleeves greets us with a warm smile "Hi cuties." she greets the twins too.

Two of them ask me to carry them because they seem so shy and Sooyoung is in a verge of crying now.

While Joohyun is talking to Teacher Sana, the twins just observing the other kids while they were in my arms.

"Dada... I don't want here.. let's go home pleaseee.." Sooyoung press her face on my neck.

I sighed. Yerim just observing the class.

"You will enjoy here.. you will have so many friends to play with.." I kiss her cheek and Yeri seem to notice her unnie's building anxiety.

"Unnie.. you want to eat cupcakes so much right?" her twin sister nods "I want to eat that too, so we need to stay here then grandpa will buy that for us!" she cheered smiling so wide to her unnie.

Sooyoung smile a little with her sister's statement.

"I will give my presents for the two of you when you got home.. is that okay?" two of them hugs me like there's no tomorrow and it's choking me "Yah yah! I can't breathe." then thankfully the twins release me.

Then Irene go to us after the teacher and her talked.

"Sooyoungie, Yerimie.. you need to take your seat now." she pointed using her lips that most of the kids were seated.

I let them down and my wife walk them to their seat. After 5 minutes, Joohyun went to me.

"What did you told to them, they seem happy and excited?" she confusedly asked.

"Secret." I wink at her.

Few minutes later, the class started so we bid our goodbye to the twins and to their teacher.


The couple are now inside the car. Irene is completely silent and of course Seulgi noticed that even she's driving. She holds her wife's hand and squeez it momentarily.

"You're quite, any problem?" she kiss Irene's knuckles.

"I miss them.." Irene stare at Seulgi's sideview "Are you busy today?" she asked.

"I'm in a day off today.. I know you will feel alone because it's the twins' first day of school." she glanced at her wife and quickly back to the road.

"I want to eat---" Irene can't finish her sentence.

"Tteokbokki!" Seulgi cut her off "I thought you're only obsessed with my handsome face, I'm not aware that in tteokbokki too." she laughs seeing Irene disgusted face "Hahahaha, why?" her wife just rolled her eyes and withdraw her hands.

"You're so full of yourself!" she scoffed and Seulgi just laugh because she succeeds to annoy her wife "You're the complete opposite of what you said though." she mumbles but Seulgi definitely heard it.

"If I'm that ugly, no one will have a crush on me for almost 2 years.." she blurted out.

Irene is really pissed off. She hit really hard her annoying wife putting all of her force not giving a shit even Seulgi is driving. But the latter just laugh even louder.

Seulgi's happiness is her family but she's more than happy if she made Irene annoyed.


Irene is the cat!!!!

Their visual in teasers oh my gosh! Two more to go.


The Kang Family  || SeulReneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن