9: Encounter

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Irene's POV

My wife went to her office after we ate our lunch. Mom messaged me that they will pick up the twins 2:30 PM so I'm now preparing their things.

"Babies be good to grandma Taeyeon okay?" both of them nodded and show their big smile.

"Don't forget to eat a rice first before sweets okay? don't forget to brush your teeth." I reminded them and they just nodded "What mommy said?" I asked them if they were listening to me.

"Don't forget to eat rice before sweets and don't forget to brush our teeth!" they cheerfully said while jumping.

"Enjoy with grandma and grandpa okay? I love you both, give mommy a kiss.." Sooyoung kiss my lips first followed by Yerim then we hug.

The sound of horn was heard meaning my mom and stepdad were outside. They're so excited to be with twins like Seulgi's parents. I can't stop them from spoiling the kids so I just let them, besides they were just showing how they love the twins so much.

Mom and my stepdad go inside. I handed the bag that was full of clothes, diapers, towel, formula good for 2 days. I let the twins wear their small backpacks, Joy has a design of Elsa in the frozen while Yeri has Anna. Seulgi wants them to have their cute little backpacks for them to carry their favorite toy.

Mom give me a hug and kiss then to my daughters "How cute my granddaughters were, are you ready?"

The twins jumps "Yes!" they shouted that made me and mom laugh.

"Say bye to your mommy now babies." mom told to twins.

The twins run to me so I bend down to meet their level, they showered my face by their kisses "Mommy take care yourself okay?" Yeri reminded me so I nod to them.

"Mommy take care because monster Seulgi will eat you!" Joy said and all of us laugh while I'm nodding to her. I should take care of myself, your Dada will probably eat me knowing that were only two of us here in the house hahaha.

Mom carry Yerimie then my stepdad carry Sooyoung who were talking nonstop about Moana. Before my mom could hop in the car she say something to me "Let monster Seulgi eat you..." she teases so I give her a death glare "..I want to have a grandson too hahaha." she added then hopped inside the car. The twins wave their small hands to me then my stepdad starts the engine and drive away.

I'm all alone here in our house. It feels so empty without Sooyoung and Yerim. Maybe I'll check the café since I'm not doing anything. I message my wife that the kids was with my mom now, also I'll go to the café then she replied okay and she also said that she will fetch me after work.

Driving 15 minutes, I reach now my café. The workers greet me then I greet them too before going to my office. My office serves as Joy and Yeri's playground, there's so many scattered tissue rolls and papers so I pick it one by one and clean my office. When I feel tired, I go out to take a drink then sit one of our table. I tried to message Jennie to come with me but she said Leo is sick so she can't which I understand. In Seulgi's squad, all of them has you know.. mushroom. They understand each other because they have the same condition. Even Wendy has it but she's still single because of her career. I really miss them.

While I'm busy on my phone reading some facts about kids, someone called me then when I look to that person to my surprise I saw him.

"Hi Irene, long time no see." Suho said.

I'm so surprised to see him after all this years "H-hi, long time no see Suho-ssi." we shook our hands then I ordered him to sit.

"How are you? you still look b-beautiful." he said then I blushed with that sudden compliment so I look away.

"I am good and happy." I said to him directly because that's the truth.

"Are you perhaps have a.. ahm.. boyfriend?" I choked to his boldness! gosh boys this days!

"No, I don't have." obviously I don't have. I have a wife.

He was about to talk again when his phone rings, he excuse himself to pick the phone so I let him.

Wondering who he was? he was my ex-boyfriend when I was a highschool. We're a perfect couple I guess but he cheated on me with my best friend that time. I chase him before but he's so inlove with my best friend and he even said to me some painful words. I love him so much, BEFORE! but today road to forever, I love Seulgi and the kids FOR ALL MY LIFE!

He came back to his seat "Sorry ahm just.. just business stuff.. you know businessman thing." he is so full of himself. If you knew how rich my wife and her friends!

I nod and give him a fake smile "Can I get your ahm.. n-number to catch up.." he said shyly but no I can't, Sooyoung and Yerim will get mad at me if I'm entertaining others except to their Dada.

"Sorry, I can't." I said to him apologetically.

He nodded then sip her coffee "Why? I thought you didn't have a boyfriend. I just want to hangout with you, you know." he said arrogantly. I don't need to explain to him.

"Yeah I didn't have a boyfriend like what I said but still I can't give you my number." I told him softly.

"Ma'am, you have a call with Ms. Park." one of the crew butt in so I nodded to him.

"You own this café?" he asked then I nodded "Wow. I'll get going now, I have a meeting to attend." he added, I excuse myself and stand up to take a call.

As if I'm interested with his life. I don't, even a little. He's still so arrogant Suho I knew. If Seulgi will see you, you probably look down to your arrogant self.


I'm on the next level...

Aespa's comeback song is so..!!!!! I love them four, no bias, ot4.


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