43: Visitor

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"I have eyes everywhere watching you, so be kind baby.." A girl threatens with so much sweetness in her voice.

"I'm not allowed just to see my family or just hang out with my friends?" the other girl asked.

"I didn't say such things like that.. but be careful." she traces the other girl's jaw with her fingernails "I like you so bad to the point that, I will kill every person who'll try to get your attention awau from me, romantically.." she whispers in the other girl's ear.

"O-okay...Nancy..." the girl pray mentally.

"Good, Lalisa..." and Nancy playfully bit, the latter's earlobe.


Seulgi's POV

It's Tuesday. I'm at work finally because Yeri didn't want me to go. Since their class now was fixed in the afternoon, I'm always having a hard time to go to work in the morning because of the twins especially Yeri, she's always throwing tantrums. So thankfully, I'm here now in office.

"CEO Kang, you had a visitor." Nayeon informed me.

"Who? It's not a meeting right?" I asked because basically when it's Tuesday, I only have papers to sign here at my office.

"Ms. Jung? She's with uncle." Nayeon said.

Oh, it's Krystal and dad.

"Okay, let them in." I instructed then Nayeon went out.


Minutes later after Nayeon informed her boss, the gorgeous lady in red came inside.

Nayeon's became a bit curious who's the girl is because she never seen her before and seeing her casually talking with Seulgi's dad earlier looked like they knew and close to each other for a long time.

Then the girl go inside.

Seulgi's dad isn't with her now, maybe he's busy checking around, it's his company after all.


Ms. Jung went in only to see the CEO busy signing a ton of papers in her table.

"What's up CEO?!" she exclaimed that made Seulgi jolted a bit.

"Hey Krys! What you doin' here ma'am?" Seulgi stand up and kiss Krystal's cheek.

The latter's redden a bit because of the friendly kiss but shrugged it anyway.

"Yah! What do you mean ma'am? I'm just being decent you know!" Krystal sits.

"Just kidding. So what's up? Last time I saw you was like 3 or 4 months ago?" Seulgi trying to remember their last encounter.

Krystal sighs became unnoticed by Seulgi because her phone buzz indicating she received a text, she read that fastly and slid her phone back.

Krystal smiles sadly but immediately change it into happy one as soon as Seulgi look at her.

"I'm just.. just enjoying myself, you know I just.. uhm.. having a 6-month vacation here in Korea." she stated.

Seulgi nods.

"But then you still not visiting us in our house. You know mommy will be upset knowing that you're here in the country but you didn't see her just once. She misses you doughnut." she threatens.

"Uncle said the same earlier, I'm with him. As I've said, I'm just busy enjoying myself. I will visit her, I have a plan you dumb!" Krystal retorted.

Seulgi laughs. She feel nostalgic having this type of conversation with her childhood best friend, Krystal.

"By the way, you're getting slimmer." Seulgi observed that her friend kinda lose some weight.

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