Chapter 28:Extra chapter;okonomiyaki delight!

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Okonomiyaki-a Japanese food that made out of pigs meat,squid and other seasonings and veggies.

Another extra chapter.

I'm a bit inspired to add a new one after watching some Japanese action movie with my siblings.

Hope you guys gets to enjoy this one.


"I give up!"she said in a very tired voice and walked likes drunk person to the sofa and flops her weakened body in it.Then Shisui with the others came in and saw the mess she made.

"What...happened?"Fuyo asked as she look around then stared at the kitchen door.

"Charmiel,what happened here?It stinks..."Belle commented.

"Uh...yeah..I'll clean that...up...after...I energy back..."she said in a tired voice as she let her arms and legs hangs on the ends of the sofa.

"The crap?..."Ryuk reacted when he entered the kitchen and the others followed and almost gagged themselves seeing how it looked.Dirty pots,spatulas, ingredients of some sorts and gooey seroups or whatever sauce it is but its black and dark brown.

"She must be cooking something..."Sora commented as he look around.

"For any ideas?"Ryuk asks as he starts to grab a mop and other cleaning utensils under the sink and start cleaning the kitchen. Saro and Belle walks in as they both look around and helps out in cleaning as Shisui sits beside Charmiel.

"I think...uhm...I don't know...I'm not even sure..."Belle said.Then suddenly Charmiel screamed as she suddenly jumps for joy and excitement.

"I think I now figured out how to do it better!"she screamed in excitement and then kicks the three out of the kitchen and finishes cleaning the whole kitchen in record time and with sparkling eyes she quickly chops the veggies,some spices and puts them somewhere and then chops pork meat and squid and puts them on a pot and she smirks like a maniac as she was waiting for the water to boil and the meat softens and then after some swift moves from tossing and chopping ingredients and few minutes passed.

She had put her master piece of a food with a confident grin leaving Shisui and the others flustered at how she acted so weird as she cooks a while ago and preparing the table for dinner and even take their sits when she look at them evily.

"Chow..."she said as she awaits for them to take a taste of her cooking.

They reluctantly takes a spoonful as she never cooks food before since Shisui and her eats at one of his hotels.That is the reason why they were all unsure if they will try to taste the food or not.But with the glare with a sweet smile from her they all take a taste from their own plates and went stiff after.









"Delicious!"they all cheered in delight except for Shisui who just smiled at her which she winked back.

"Alright tgen!To make our meal even more better!"she said and suddenly puts a pitcher of hot sake in front of them."Let's drink!!!"she cheered and everyone agreed except for Shisui who keeps his calm expression although he finds it unusual for Charmiel to act like what she is acting now.


Are you guys bored?


Thank you for reading anyways...lols...

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