Chapter 11:New country

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Wherever you are...

I will not give up...

I'll come find you no matter what...

May it be on earth or hell...

For you are my sly fox and this wolf doesn't let go of his prey so easily....

So better wait for me....

As I hunt you down.....


She sneaks out of the ship without the guards noticing since they're too busy with the mons of passengers and bagages to be disposed.She look around the port and then spotted the murderers inside a black SUV.She grips the necklace tighter.

You'll all be on jail soon...

She swore in her breath which she suddenly went to a halt when her stomach growled.

Damn.I hadn't eaten a thing since she was kidnapped....Wonder if how Shisui is doing?

She shakes her head.Tsk.That guy probably forgots about her who knows.She keeps on walking to find a way to buy food since she's penniless but then in the end she was seen seating in a public bench sulking.

Damn.My energy is drained....What an unfortunate person I am...

Suddenly a familiar scent alarmed her but she can't get it off as it off was clasp one her mouth tight until she saw darkness.

Damn you Shisui, Where are you?!

After a while she wakes up in a comfy bed inside a luxurious room and when she checked on herself she blushed a thousand shades of red.

Shisui's gonna kill me if he sees me wearing this without his concent!

But wait.Why does she have to care?Its not like she matters to that phedophile lunatic.

She gets off the bed to search for something decent to wear when a man not far from Shisui's age came out from the shower with a towel in his head and below his torso.Damn he is so hot,I gotta admit that.

But Shisui is way hotter...

Wait.What the heck is she talking about?Shisui being hotter looking than this guy?Is she insane or what?

"So...What is your name?"he asked with his deep Russian accent as he takes a sit on a chair and picks a glass with alcohol and ice and roams his eye on her.She followed his eyes and in instinct she pulled the quilt to cover herself.The man gave her a mischievous grin.

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