Chapter 26:Let the enemy come

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They both have accepted there backgrounds and now ready to take on the fight for their future.....

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"Are you sure that this is the right place,milady?"Iris asked as they were staring at a rundown cabin in the deep woods. They just arrived here in India and it took a four hour chopper ride before finding a landing and a two hour hike before reaching the cabin at the basement of a mountain.She smiled confident.

"Why would I not be..."she said and starts walking inside the cabin as others reluctantly followed.She saw the old furniture's ready for.bonfire and also the place was covered with thick cobwebs making Belle and Fuyo back down at the door.

"I ain't going any further with those..."Fuyo said pointing at the cobwebs.She just ignored her.

"Then you two can feel free staying outside with the cold weather...and wild animals..."Ryuk teased the two gaining shoes hitting him.She saw the markings that she was looking for and then smirk.She dust it off and knocked on it three times in a rhythm and the part of it uncovered showing a electrical device were you punch your password.She punched the passwords and with a gasp from the girls a door opens showing a blue like metallic doors that opens for them.She entered in and when everyone followed their jaws dropped as their eyes wondered around.The door closed.The room is filled with computers and screens if different sizes and above it were guns on shelves.Different type of guns and ammos.There were old type guns that'll be hard to find.And then at the right side was a room with glass doors showing shiny cars making Ryuk drool at them and on the left of the room is a vault that when she opened it after punching the password her companions had almost have their eyes popped out of there eye sockets seeing the gold bars,diamonds and cash of every foreign currency in it.

"What the hell is this place?"Saro asked as he look around more,he seemed to be more interested on the computers.

"I always think in advance...I built this after I created that organization and my big sisters and brothers and I filled it with the necessary stuff,the cars,guns and computers,I was the one who built those...As for the golf bars,diamonds and money I leave it to my older sisters and brothers....This place is for emergency...So how'd you guys like the place?"

"Like it?...Heck I live it here!"Ryuk and Tatsuya shrieked as they drool over the cars she built.

"I'm impress..."Shisui said wrapping an arm around her waist.She smiled at him.

"Wonder whose richer between the two of us..."she asked in wonder.Shisui just smirked and keep quiet but Fuyo didn't as she heard her question on her boss.

"All I could say is that your wealth is an inch closer to his..."Fuyo smirked and left them to check on the guns at the second floor with Belle.Iris went on the computers with Saro as Irish walks to where the cars were.

"Okay...your still richer by an inch,huh?"she said with a brow lifted.Shisui just shrugged.

"So...miss tactician...what's the plan?"he asked afterwards.

"Are you sure you wantme to lead all of you?"she asked.Should he be full of pride as to be the leader since well you know his more experienced and besides it was his old servants we're dealing with.

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