Chapter 21:Tension and Acceptance

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A part of Charmiel wanted to flee away from Shisui's grasp....


A part of her wanted to stay beside Shisui feeling that he needed her more and more each day....

How Charmiel face it as reality keeps on hitting her and soon enough....

The past she tried to keep at the deepest darkest part of her brain is now coming back for her....

How will Shisui handle it?

~keep on reading....just keep on reading...keep on reading...~


They're eating dinner with the others silently but even if Ryuk were telling stories and Belle oppose her lover stories her thoughts were somewhere else.Somehow she have this gutsy feeling that something big is about to haunt her.She's not even sure of how she could handle such a thing and its making her feel nervouse although she's trying to be strong for Shisui's sake.Fuyo'swords keeps on haunting and she had decided yesterday that as long as Shisui keeps her she needs to keep up on him and trust him.But then again,she knows little about him.And he never talks about himself even if she wanted to know she's too afraid to ask.Suddenly she felt something hot and burns her mouth.Realizing what it is she dash off to the kitchen sink to wash her mouth and then drinks a glass of water and when she look at the dinner table, Fuyo and the others had already left.Her eyes darted on Shisui who is walking to her and leans on her cornering her on the sink.He look at her intensely that she starts to feel nervous.


"Its been ten minutes since they left and we keep calling you but your too far deep on your thoughts that you don't feel our presence...I'm curious..."he said as he leans even more closer there nose tips were an inch apart.


"If you want to say something,say it...or I'll break open that skull of yours to take a peek at that brain of yours...."he said in his usual neutral tone.His eyes piercing to hers intensely."I've given you enough time to pick yourself up...but my patience is running low..."

"Shisui...I'm not....I'm not even...."she look away."..I'm not even sure if you wanted to answer my already know what I'm about to ask...."she said not looking at him."...I....I respect your private life since...I'm...not an important person to even-"she WS cut off by him lightly hitting her head with his forehead.

"Tsk...dense and dumb...that's you..."he said and her heart starts to beats fast as his warm breath touch her skin."...even when I told you that I own your life...that I only decides if you are worthy to be stay beside still think...your not that important to me..."he muttered but loud enough for me to hear.

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