Chapter 3: Getting involved

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After the coffee thing he took me to a dinner but before that he brought her to a salon to have her hair and face done like what she did at the hotel party she only asked to make it simply natural. Then her hair was tied in a bun at the back of her head with some curls on her face and nape.Then he took her to buy a cocktail dress and shoes.After that we entered a bar.Damn,I'm starting to feel like I'm a freaking doll for this people!We take a table for four and he said a woman will be coming over as well and he just look over the menu.She sits beside him and at his left is his assistant?Oh yeah,assistant,as far as my memory serves me right.Our orders came,as usual she choose the cheapest since this restaurant serves classy food and if she push herself to act like she's in no mood to eat he might not think I'm...well...poor?...hey even If I was paid by billions she gives most to the less fortunate.I only take what I needed and she saves some just in case of emergency and stuff,ya know.She's playing with her food when a very elegant lady in black silky dress waled to them.She's a model figure though its obvious she's Asian like the rest of them.She takes her seat with the help of the waiter and smiled flirtatiously at the guy up to now she knows not of his name.

"Shisui-sama..."the lady said and smiled seductively with her luscious red lips.But Shisui-guy didn't seem to be affected.Oh,that's so good-wait what?

"Report already Lai..."Shisui ordered.Is this suppose to be a dinner meeting?Then why do I have to tackle along?She wanted to ask but she's not a nosey person except when its a job.The lady did so while holding a folder and then look at her with a brow lifted.She looks like she's checking her and she can see it in her eyes that she looks down at her.

"Before I continue...It seems we have some...intruder with us..."Lai said with a seductive voice.

"She's my guest...don't mind her presence...just keep on talking about the income...then give the files to Saro..."Shisui said looking at Lai sternly.Wow,she's loving how he acts cold and distant towards this hoe.She silently snickered at the bitch.She prefers Fuyo rather than this one.Lai continued on her report and after that we took our dinner.Lai just handed a red folder to Saro who jus accepted it.After the dinner Lai attempted to seduce Shisui as she just keeps on walking to car disgusted at how low that woman is.Geez,at least Fuyo knows her place even if she to tried to seduce Shisui.It annoys her but why the heck she cares.Saro came in next taking a sit beside the driver.

"So your name is Saro?"she asked just so she has someone to talk to.

"Yes...I'm sorry but I didn't caught your name..."Saro said fixing the case and folders he is holding to his lap.

"Charmiel..."she said.

"Just Charmiel?"he said looking at the front view mirror with a light smirk.

"What?Just Saro?"she said back gaining a life chuckle from a scene Shisui saw as he came in.Shisui just look at them blankly then orders the driver to drive them to the hotel she's staying and she look outside the glass tinted windiw .But suddenly the driver notice some black car following them.She look behind her and did saw two black SUV's.

"Whoa...are you some kind of a celebriti-"suddenly the driver steps hard on the accelerator putting on speed as Saro takes out a gun from his belt.Wait,she didn't know his a bodyguard as well or is he?Shisui suddenly grabbed her face and kiss her as the chase is going on to her horror and since she's not well accustom to this even if she reads about mature manga's she's still a freaking innocent!She blacked out getting overwhelmed from mix emotions and embarrassment.

Shisui's POV

He was amused as how she fainted just from his kiss.He smirk after realizing why so.She's a virgin and totally innocent.Then he concentrated at the situation.Saro is calling for back up as the two black cars starts to gain at them but Ken quickly entered an alley where a car fits and then Saro starts firing towards the cars who shoots back.He just stayed calm as he holds the girl making sure she won't fall at the harsh movement of the car.He only plans to kiss her just so she won't be traumatize from the chase against his enemies.For someone who has connections and power in the underground business events like this is so minor.So he felt no fear at all.After some time he heard explosions from behind and Saro already retreated his gun on his belt and it only means one thing,especially when Ken drives back to normal.

"Make sure it was cleaned up..."he ordered.

"Yes,sir..."Saro nodes and made a quick phonecall.

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