Chapter 14: Wake up,fox

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Wake up,fox...

Wake up...

Before this demon...

Looses to darkness....

And kill endlessly....


When she opens her eyes for what seems to be a long time.She first saw Shisui's face sleeping at the chair beside the bed.His head lies on her arm which is protected by his arm to avoid her arm getting hurt.She smiled.Happy that the first person for her to see is the person she had longed to see.She lift her free arm and caressed his smooth silk black hair then his cheeks.He looks tired and sad.Shisui open his eyes slowly then his gaze went to hers.His eyes widens then looks at her like she was a ghost or something.She smiled at him.

"Shisui..."she called.Shisui then hugged her tight,so tight that he might crushed her but understanding his feelings right now,hey I'm not that dense okay?She just pats his back.Then he breaks from the hug and he cups her face with his hands locking eyes with her.He leans over and kissed her hungrily then the door burst open and Saro came in with Fuyo and the others .Shisui was pissed she could tell but keep his composure.

"Welcome back,Charmiel..."Saro said as the others just nods at her.

"Yeah...I guess...thanks..."she said.

"Are you...somewhat...okay?"Fuyo asked reluctantly.

"Oh..."she said then stiffened as pile of flashbacks appeared.She starts trembling and Shisui was about hug her when she punched him in his face real hard shocking all of them.Shisui fell on the floor with his ass staring at her with surprised.She look at him ignoring the throbbing pain in her weak fist then tears crawled down her cheeks.

"What the heck have you been doing that I have to wait for you to rescue me?!"she yelled at him as tears just keeps on flowing."Don't you know how scared I was?!Don't know how weak I feel in those times when I have no strength to escape from that monster?!"she shake trembling with fear as she remembers how Michael created deep scars on her mind.Then she felt Shisuis arms around her.Hugging her tighter with that she cried.She cited even harder as she wanted to forget but she can't.The fear she had never felt before.

"I'm so sorry....I really am...Please forgive me..."he whispered as he tightens his hug on her.She just cried.All she could is cry until she fell asleep to his arms.


He felt her loosen her grip on his shirt and when he look at her she fell asleep.Tears were still crawling out of her closed eyes and she was still sobbing.He kissed her tears dry and her eyes then slowly lay her down back to bed.Its been month since she was rescued.After two weeks and two days at the hospital he took her home.And even though he has some business meetings to attend to he makes sure that she was heavily guarded as for sure rumors about him having a serious relationship had spread fast and surely his enemies would want to use her against me.That he can't allow.When she wakes up he was really happy that it took him a minute to process then he hugged her tight hoping that it was not a dream, that she really is awake.

After some sigh he walks out of the room and finds his most trusted servants sitting at the living room.

"You need ice for that..."Fuyo pointed at his face where Charmiel.punched him.It surprises him, them ,but it was understandable.Saro handed him an ice pack and he pressed it in his cheek as he sits on a black leather couch.

"So,boss...any plans?...But then seriously ow long will you torture the poor guy....I don't think your little fox will like it ones she finds out..."Ryuk said while playing with his cards alone.

"She wouldn't know a thing if no one will tell her,duh..."Belle said while playing with her shurikens.She's a trained ninja then was pulled into the underground world because she was fooled and used by the ones who thought her and he found her half dead and saved her.Now her loyalty is to him alone.

"She find out eventually even if we keep our mouth shut...she's a freaken' freelance journalist,they're always curious..."Ryuk said.His a well trained fighter as well as a mechanical engineer,his family didn't see his capabilities,he did,so when he took Ryuk in he make sure he has the best schools to study and in return Ryuk graduated with honors and a lot of job offers but being a mechanical engineer he is needed in his businesses to make gund and ammos for their security and cars as well.

"For once I agree with you,spiky..."Tatsuya said,his personal driver and bodyguard as well.Her family was murdered by an organization and his father works under him so he took him in and with Tatsuya's thirst for revenge he trained diligently to become one of his feared fighters.Ryuk glared him but keep his cool.

"Give the guy one final torture then lay him to rest..."he said as he throws the icepack at the coffee table." guys take turns in looking after her...though I am going to ask some of the men to guard her I still have to be sure that that incident shall never happen again..."he said with a stern look.

"Oh my,our boss is in love..."Belle giggled.

What?...Am I?....

"He doesn't look sure though...."Saro said but with respect since he knows how he can be easily fall to a foul mood.

"Just do as you were told..."he said in a cold voice.

" we have a choice on the matter...."Belle said.

She must be stay safe at all cost.....I won't let it happen to her again...never....She's mine!

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