Chapter 15: Fragile and Composed

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Acacia Mcknight

Damien had his gaze stuck on the road, his fingers tapped the steering wheel. The sun reflected off the wedding ring on his finger, his defined jawline facing me. The smell of mint invaded my nose, Damien was chewing on spearmint gum.

His eyes seemed emotionless and his forehead creased, bothered.

I looked away, out of the window while cupping my jaw and my elbow rested on the window.

The day began with a very inauspicious message and I was looking forward to it ending soon.

I heard Damien click his tongue lowly, confiding a curse word, which obviously, I failed to understand.

Not your fault, Casey, our babe just talks very low.

"Damien, if you're not feeling well, we could just eat in the hotel room" I whispered, cutting through the silence.

Damien sent me a side glance, he seems very off.

We both have our demons to battle, Matthew for me and his problems; which I'm very unaware of for him.

"I'm fine, Acacia. Step out"

What on earth!? Is he gonna kick us out? Naw! My delicate feetue! I don't even know where we are!

I gave him a sceptical look, running my hand down the seatbelt.

This is my fate. I knew it, I'll be ousted one day or the other.

"What are you waiting for?" Damien asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Uh. I don't know the way back, just let it pass this time, Damien, please" I pleaded, sinking in my seat.

Suddenly, Damien started to laugh. Ugh, it's so pretty.

"What?" I asked, dumbfounded

Are our psycho, mafia husband fantasies coming true? Casey?

Well, Damien's a lawyer. And as hot as he is, he's not a psychopath.

"We are here for breakfast, Darling, step out" I swear I saw him smirk as he unfastened both our seatbelts, patting my hands, rather playfully.

His darling, dayum, that sounds delicious.

I gave him a quirky, nervous giggle before stepping out of his expensive ass car. Exactly how rich is he!?

I am so hungry right now, I can't even be sad or upset about anything.

Damien walked over to me, taking my hand in his own, dragging me behind him.

His hands are so soft yet rough, Casey. Babes, I'm in love.

The restaurant screamed wealth and luxury.

For obvious reasons, Damien would never take me to a less costly restaurant, or any place in general. I get it, he's rich but dude, keep an eye on it.

Just as we entered, a few heads turned to us and being the shy little girl I am, I hid behind Damien.

I felt his hold tighten protectively, sliding around my waist.

He was talking to the dude at the entrance about some reservation made.

"It's by the name of Damien Mcknight"

Damien is always sober yet playful around me but he never lets anyone forget his dominating position. Not even me. But what's good is that he's barely ever arrogant, cocky yes, disrespectful, no, never.

Soon after the reservation, We both sat at a luxurious table next to the huge window which had a beautiful view of the lakes and trees of Venice.

I placed my chin on my clasped hands, looking through the glass.

I think we should just stay here in Venice and forget about Los Angeles and our stupid, useless exam.

"You haven't talked much today. It's different" Damien said as I turned my head to him.

His gaze was on me while his hands rested on the white-clothed table.

I smiled, licking my lips. Damien's eyes followed every movement I made, even the slightest ones.

"It's nothing.. Have you been here before?" I asked, looking into his green eyes.

He looked around the place, nodding. "I came with someone, years ago."

I nodded yet I wanted to know who.

Curiosity kills the cat, Casey, don't be that cat.

"Who?" I spat before I even realised.

You are that dumb cat. Stupid bimbo.

Damien's gaze hardened a little as he shifted a little, "Aren't you a little too curious?"

I doubt he wanted his words to come so harshly but they did, and I'd be lying if I said they didn't hurt me.

This is why you should watch your tongue around hottie, if he doesn't ask about your past, ahh God! Why should you even see the need!?

"Sorry" I mumbled lowly, poking my food with the fork.

It's better to eat than continue this conversation.

I looked around, awkwardly. A few girls were murmuring to each other while gawking at Damien whereas some were just glaring at me.

Chill, he's all yours after 6 months anyway.

"Uhh, Damien? I'll be back, I need to use the washroom" I said, standing up before he nodded

"Okay" I looked at him for the last time before walking to the washroom.

I left my phone on the table because Damien is sitting there and he'll probably save it from being stolen while I'm in the process of procrastination.

I looked in the mirror, my eyes were slightly teary, my cheeks were flushed and my nose was red.

Is it okay to be so upset about something so little? No right?

It's okay Cass, I'm sure he didn't mean it that way.

"Oh, God!" I screeched as a hand wrapped itself around my mouth, silencing my screams.

It was a man, his face was covered with a mask and lord! He's so tall!

"D-Damien!" I tried to yell but the man pushed me to the counter, kicking the door shut.

Please, God, save me!

Where are you, Damien?

Tears made their way down my face as I squeezed my eyes shut, struggling in the man's tight hold.

I batted my legs and arms but he's very powerful. This is how I die.

"You did a wonderful job marrying Damien Mcknight, now, we'll use you against him" He grumbled, voice croaky and dark.

"Mmph! Let go!" I bit his hand, slapping his cheek.

I rubbed my cheeks, they hurt so bad from his hostile hold.

I kicked the man in the shin, trying to run out of the washroom but he gripped my ankle, bringing me down with him.

"Help! Damien! Someone help me!" I sobbed, pushing the guy away.

Ouch... The salty metallic taste of blood corrupted my mouth. He had slapped me.

I don't think even Matthew slapped me that hard.

I felt my vision blur out as I started to see dots.

I heard vigorous knocks on the door, then they turned to loud bangs.

The man kicked me in the stomach making me groan as I clutched my stomach. That was such a powerful blow, air knocked out of my lungs.

Acacia, breathe.. Darling, it's too late to give up. Just breathe! Say something!

" me.. Pl-please" I couldn't even see how the man left because my eyes wouldn't focus at all.

"Open the fucking door" I heard a familiar voice growl before the door snapped open.

I let out a sob, the pain in my stomach began to seer painfully.

"Acacia? Acacia, breathe" Damien whispered as I shook my head.

He lifted me in his lap, my head resting against his chest as he continued to rub my sweaty, cold palms.

I winced at the movement before Damien moved his hand to my tummy.

"Ah.. Ouch," I cried. Even though his fingers were gentle, they still hurt me.

He kicked me so hard, I hope nothing too serious happened.

"Acacia, eyes open, sweetheart. Keep them open" Damien's voice came like beeps and taps to my ear. I didn't understand a word he said.

I felt Damien tap my cheek, pushing my hair back softly.

"Da-Damien, I can't breathe" I whispered, closing my eyes.

I don't want to die..

I'm too young to die.

I want to live a carefree life too.

Why do I have to run away from so many people?

Why does this life only want to hurt me? When did I wrong anyone?

Why do I have to run away from so many people?Why does this life only want to hurt me? When did I wrong anyone?

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(P.s: Casey doesn't look like that)

Hey! I hope you guys enjoyed it!

It was sad, wasn't it?

Acacia is injured and the dude just ran away! How will Damien find him, nonetheless, how will he deal with the danger?  

Don't forget to comment and vote!

Stay safe! <3

-Aubree <3

Acacia is injured and the dude just ran away! How will Damien find him, nonetheless, how will he deal with the danger?  Don't forget to comment and vote!Stay safe! <3-Aubree <3

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