Episode 173: Save the Gogo Girls!

Start from the beginning

*we all head inside the secret base, and to our surprise, we find some dead scientists*

Me: My god...

Juniper: Whoever's behind this must've killed the people who originally worked here...

Patty: It's clear we need to be vigilant about this.

Deondre: Yeah, let's keep going.

*after walking around the base, Haruka triggers something*

Haruka: Oh no...

*the forward ground turns into a pool of spikes*

Me: S**t!

Haruka: Sorry...

Deondre: Looks like we'll have to make long jumps.

Me: Yeah...

*we all make the long jumps and we all proceed, until we approach a locked door with no key*

SpongeBob: Barnacles! The door's locked and there's no key hole!

Mizuno: Guys, I'm picking up something.

Usagi: What is it?

Mizuno: There's a hidden button on the center of the door that'll open it. However, there are unknown enemies that await us once we open it. What should we do?

Dark Lemonade: I got this one! I'll use my Death Song to disarm them, then Durand can swoop in and get the kills!

Me: Sounds like a plan. Alright, everyone else, cover your ears!

Kelsey: Gotcha!

*Everyone covers their ears*

Me: Alright, Lemonade, get ready!

Dark Lemonade: Right!

*Dark Lemonade starts preparing her earbleeding attack*

*I open the door, go back to the side, cover my ears and as soon as the doors the enemies appear before us and...*

Me: NOW!

*Dark Lemonade unleashes her Death Song on the enemies, who all explode.*

Dark Lemonade: That was too easy! Coast is clear!

*everyone uncovers their ears*

Deondre: Alright, let's keep going!

*We all start running ahead and we finally find the room the Gogo girls are being held captive in and head inside. What we found was HEARTBREAKING*

Me: There they are...

Lily: Wait... Aren't those Coco, Natts and Syrup?!

*we all notice the 3 corpses Lily spotted*

April: *gasp* Oh god it IS them!

Nodoka: And they're dead...

Clara: I can't even imagined how they had to feel seeing their loved ones killed in cold blood...

Dark Dream: Hey, Nozomi?

*Dark Dream taps Nozomi on the shoulder, but she doesn't respond...*

Emily: Nozomi? Are you there?

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