"I adore your spirit. Then why don't we talk about just what your work here entails and you tell me where you draw lines, yes?"

Mingi accepted his cup of tea carefully. His eyes were wide with awe.

"I get to draw lines?"

Yunho smiled over the rim of his steaming cup. The black porcelain rested against his lower lip.

"Granted, you do. While we expect your agreement with anything I put on you, I am unwilling to extend any discomfort your way. I care for my servants and their happiness. Is there anything you want to mention right away that you will never do for me before I go into the details?"

Overwhelmed by the question, Mingi had to think about it for a while. Through his parted fringe, Yunho watched him with curious eyes.

"Ah, not that I can think of? Like any normal person, I don't like to be put in grave danger or hurt, but depending on the situation that is not your choice to make."

Chuckling, Yunho crossed his legs elegantly. With interest shimmering in his expression, he leaned closer.

"I can arrange for that, not that I would send you into danger when my knights or I are there. Do you dislike pain, Mingi?"

Demons regularly didn't care much about it. They had a high pain tolerance and their sturdy skin rarely got penetrated by weapons. And yet, Mingi had always been a little more squeamish than the rest of his family. If he had a way to stay away from pain, he made use of it. He didn't disregard the thorns on a berry bush since he had thick skin.

"I do. I prefer not to suffer any if not necessary." Glad that his honest opinion wasn't received with ridicule, Mingi dared a shy smile. Ever so patient, Yunho nodded to himself. He didn't write the information down, keeping it in the back of his own mind. Mingi was flattered.

"I do not intend to use you as a shield or test subject in dangerous situations, but thank you for telling me. Now, I will describe your daily tasks to you and then mention some rare occasions. I want you to tell me whenever you have questions or want to discuss details. While I might not be able to adjust everything for you, I want us to be outspoken with possible discrepancies."

Mingi nodded eagerly. He hung from Yunho's lips with every word. When Yunho pushed the pixie sugar closer to Mingi with a smile, Mingi thanked him before putting some into his tea.

"My day starts with waking up and getting dressed. I am perfectly capable of doing these things by myself, but I prefer company. Your tasks would be to wake me every morning and help me with my clothes. We can eat breakfast together here if you so wish, or you can fetch just mine and eat by yourself or in the dining hall."

Mingi nodded, unbothered by those things. As Yunho continued to talk, he relaxed into the backrest behind him, the tense lines of his stomach smoothing out.

"I usually spent a few hours every day around my family as we catch up on important matters and discuss the kingdom. You are not required to stand guard behind me all the time since it would likely bore you out, but you'll have to stay nearby and be able to react to spontaneous requests." Yunho frowned around that part as if feeling bad that he had to force Mingi through it. Mindful of his reactions, Mingi tilted his head.

"Am I required to stand stiffly outside in the corridor, then?"

Yunho snickered into his hand. His long, slender fingers created a wall between Mingi's gaze and his smiling lips.

"Not at all. You may stay in an adjoining room with the other servants and spend your time there as long as you are ready to react. However, at the dinner later you will have to stand guard stiffly, I'm sorry. I will walk you through it later today. Your tasks are mostly just to be ready if needed and to show discipline in front of the court. My father asks those." Yunho grimaced, but Mingi gave him an understanding nod. He had expected that much.

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