In response to that, Yamato finally showed an emotion. Giving Kurfürst a spine chilling smile.

Yamato: Then I will...take you down...with me!

Yamato's golden eyes increased in intensity, as the energy she was emitting grew even more.

Kurfürst: Are you mad?! You plan on killing yourself?!

Yamato: I must...complete...the mission!

Yamato stood in place as Kurfürst circled around her, signaling to the girls back at the shores to not fire no matter what.

Kurfürst: There has to be someway I can stop this...

She poked and prodded while Yamato completely ignored her, everywhere she checked on her had no protrusion or device, and Yamato was getting close to overload.

Kurfürst: Dammit! What the hell can I do?!

She tried felling for anything, unfortunately having to fondle and prod at her chest as well. If she survived this, she will apologize to her.


Kurfürst: Huh?

She felt something metallic, and looked past the ocean of fluff, she found a small metal disc attached right above where her tails were.

Kurfürst: It taps right to her Spine, giving clear access to her brain! Considering her tails almost cover it completely, it's almost too smart!

She reached out to grab it, but stopped before she could.

Kurfürst: If I just yank it out, it might paralysis her if it's too deeply connected


Kurfürst backed up from Yamato, tucking her tails between her legs and getting them out of the way.

Kurfürst:*radio* This is Kurfürst, I found out how to solve my little problem I'm in

Bismarck:*radio* What is it then? How can you save Yamato?

Kurfürst smiled, but Bismarck didn't know that.

Kurfürst:*radio* I have to give her the same punishment I gave you girls


Bismarck:*radio* No...

Kurfürst:*radio* Unfortunately, yes

She cut the radio, looking as Yamato seems to be finally hitting her overload.

Kurfürst: She just stands there, so unless this would make a large explosion, it would be pointless

She positioned a little behind Yamato, flipping her Halberd and positioning the blunt end forward.

Kurfürst: the Long Arm

She winded back, and swung right at the matallic plate on Yamato's back. A loud and smack echoed across the ocean, as Yamato's eyes changed back to her original red.


Yamato: AAAAAAA-

Kurfürst: Is she doing alright?

Engineer: She's expected to make a full recovery physically, but whatever the Sirens did to her...

Kurfürst:...I understand

He saluted and walked off, while Kurfürst entered the room. She found Yamato lying down on a bed, with a vacant gaze Kurfürst saw far to many times during the war.

She sat down next to her, and only then did Yamato snap out of it.

Yamato: Kurfürst...when did you get here?

Kurfürst: Just now, but you seemed pretty enthralled with that wall


Kurfürst saw her grip the sheets tightly, so she put her hand on Yamato's. She took the hand and squeezed the armor surrounding it.

Yamato: It was horrible...

Kurfürst: If you're comfortable, is there any chance you can tell me what happened?


Tears gently dropped onto the sheets, as she gripped Kurfürst's hand harder.

Yamato: I saw so much death...they made me watch everyone die. Over and over and...and over...

Kurfürst wrapped her arm around Yamato, who let go of her hand and hugged the elder battleship.

Yamato: T-then I...everyone hated me...I-I saw them say horrible thi-things to me...

She looked up at Kurfürst, with tears flooding out from the dam finally breaking.

Yamato: You left me behind!...Y-you looked at me, and-and you turned away!

Kurfürst brought her into a tight hug, as Yamato cried into her shoulder. She held her close, and gently patted her back while she wept.

Kurfürst:*softly* It was all fake Yamato, I care for you, and so does everyone else. Whatever you saw there was a lie...remember that.

Yamato didn't respond, but hugged her tighter, as she kept crying. Soon enough, she passed out from the emotional trauma being released, and only then did Kurfürst let her go.


She left the room, closing the door behind her and exiting out to the base. No one else was out as it was late at night, but she marched on to the water front, with the endless waves crashing right underneath her.

Kurfürst: The Sirens, they keep going lower and lower every attempt they make...and I know that the Empress was the one behind this

She clenched her fists, feeling the anger bubble in her.

Kurfürst: She's watching me, I know it. She's so far but so, so close...

Her body started to twitch, as a soft purple glow came from under her armor.

Kurfürst: They toy with my life much pain and suffering because she wants to be reunited...Arbiter, you definitely went to far...Arbiter...

Her armored hands crushed the metal between them, as Kurfürst's eyes shifted to purple, and her sclera changed to black.

Kurfürst: Arbiter...Senna...

Black veiny marks covered her face, as her armor slowly shifted to her corrupted wear.

Kurfürst: Senna...

She fell to her knees, as all of her hate and rage collected deep within her. Her mind was now set on one thing, and one thing alone as she screamed out the name of her enemy for the Heaven's to hear and for the Earth to embrace.

Kurfürst: SENNAAAAAA!!!

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