Izzy looks at me confused whilst I slap my hand over my mouth and Rose looks at me shocked whilst Carlo smiles at me with his eyebrows raised.

"I don't think she heard me anyway." I reassure Rose quickly.

"Mommy. What's a wet dream?" Izzy asks.

Carlo laughs loudly with his hands on his knees. Rose glares at me whilst I look down. Before Izzy can get an answer the rumble of cars interrupts everyone. I look to the side to see our cars pulling up.

I run to the first car quickly and climb in leaving everyone so I don't have to go through what they are about to talk about because that is going to be awkward.

Carlo walks to the car after a while laughing with tears in his eyes, when he sits down next to me he just stares at me with a huge grin on his face.

"Dont." I warn him, his face turns red as he holds back his laughter until he can't take in anymore and bursts out laughing. "It's not even that funny." I cross my arms and look away from him.

By the time we get to the penthouse apartment we're going to be staying Carlo has calmed down and decided to try and get my attention again.

Izzy, Rose and Rico are staying in a different penthouse, but we made a deal that when it's Izzy's bedtime she's going to come over and spend the nights with us. We did try to convince Rose to stay with us too but she declined.

"Please talk to me." Carlo pouts as I start to walk to the kitchen to make him dinner.

As I bring different foods out to make a meal he stops me. "Are you going to eat?"


"Yes." I lie.

"Lies." He squints at me.

"Believe what you want to believe I guess." I shrug.

He glares at me and lifts me up onto the counter, "You don't have to keep lifting me up." I deadpan.

"You're too short to get up here on your own." He smiles.

"Actually being short has it's pros, we're excellent climbers." I lean back on my hands.

He rolls his eyes and starts to put pasta into a pan, "And me being tall has the pro of making your little climbing adventure not worth it. So your welcome." He bows.

"Idiot." I mumble with a smile.

"A sexy idiot."

There's a long pause before he scrunches up his face in disgust and I do the same.

"Forget I said that?" He asks.

I nod my head in agreement and we both laugh.

There's a knock at the door and I jump down to go over to it, opening the door Izzy jumps onto my leg and squeals. "We're going to have a sleepover!!!!!" She screams and runs over to where Carlo is cooking.

"Ciao mia bella principessa." (Hello my beautiful Princess) I hear Carlo say, followed by a giggle and a scream.

"Is everything okay?" I look at a very tired Rose. Her eyes are baggy and she looks drained.

She gives me a small smile. "It's the jet lag." She lies and looks down the hall. I step forward and give her a hug outside the door so I can see what she was looking at, she sighs into my shoulder as I look at Rico at the end of the corridor.

Flipping him off I pull away from Rose and drop my hand so she doesn't see what I did, "I'll see you tomorrow." She whispers and walks away.

"Bye momma bear." I say quietly with a wave.

I close the door and walk back inside to see Izzy and Carlo laughing and talking away. She yawns when I walk closer and Carlo picks her up.

"Im going to go put her to bed." He kisses my head and carries Izzy over to the second bedroom.


"Why are you watching this?" Carlo asks as he jumps over the back of the couch and slouches next to me, placing his arm around me and bringing me into his side.

I turned on Rush Hour, whilst he was gone and sat watching until just now.

"Because I like the movie." I reply in a duh tone.

"Fair enough." He chuckles.

There's silence for a few minutes until Carlo unzips his pants, I look at him confused as he takes my hand and places it inside them.

"Wh-" I try to talk but he shushes me.

"Just watch the movie." He smirks not taking his eyes off of the screen. I shut up and do as he said, i watch the movie as he slouches further and I stay cuddled into his side with my hand down his pants.

CarloWhere stories live. Discover now