Chapter 3

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So Dream and George decided to go and hang the curtains. They told Sapnap that he would have to choose a movie.

When George and Dream were upstairs they opened George his room and looked up how to hang curtains. George would do the right side and Dream would do the left side. Only George was to tiny so he had to stand on a stool.

When George stepped on the stool it looked very safe, but when he was on it he fell. When George fell he bumped his knee and got stuck with his ankle in the stool. He yelped from the pain, but he didn't speak or yell. Dream saw everything happen.

"Are you okay?" Dream he whit a concerned face. George just nodded, but when he looked at his ankle he saw that it was still stuck in the stool. He groaned from the pain and Dream who was only looking at George his face turned his had to George his ankle and wondered how he didn't yell or even said a swear or some shit. He only sat there on the ground looking at his ankle.

"Are you sure your okay?" Dream asked again. Still he only got a nod and a smile. This was his way of communication, but Dream would love a word for the confirmation so he was sure didn't hurt himself. Dream also knew that George would avoid talking at all times. He had George only hear speak once and it was also one word. And that word was his name. So it made that one time that he said something extra special. That day is his favorite night of the world. He still knows when he said it..

He was on a call with George and he was about to fall asleep when George still wanted to talk so when George couldn't get his attention he called his name. Dream was so startled by the sound he woke up and asked George if he heard something. George sent him a text.


-old messages-

Wake up
Wake up                   
Wake up 
Wake up
Wake up!! 

-new messages-


"How could I have known that? You never talked to me before and also why did you spam so much George" he said

Well it was me too bad I won't repeat it :)                   
And because you wouldn't wake up you lazy ass 

"Ow come on now. Please repeat yourself I need to hear your voice." 

No, to bad you fell asleep...

"You know you could have just wake me up with a sound you know?"

I know  but it seemed very unhuman to do that   
You looked so pretty     
So the last thing I could do was calling your name   
I called your name like 3-4 times before you would wake up..

"Awww Georgie was sweet for one time. To bad I missed it and did you call me pretty? I already know I'm pretty George you don't have to tell me that." Dream said grinning.  He could see George typing and then he felt a buzz again.

1. Don't call me that       
2. Shut up 
3. ;)

And when he looked up from the phone he saw George grinning. That night he talked with George, well more texted. George texted things or questions and Dream would answer later that night Dream would tell a whole story about his childhood because he knows George loves listening to his childhood stories. After a story about when he cut his sister's hair, he looked over at George through his phone and saw George sleeping. He looked at his phone and it was 4:56 am and then he looked at his texts and he saw George's name.

Good night Dream. I think I'm going to fall asleep any second now so I'm going to fall asleep while listening to you talking about your sister. Loved the night we should do this again..

"Good night to you 2 George." Dream said in a soft tone and with he hang up the phone. He placed his phone on his nightstand. 

"I love you.." He said yawing as George could hear him. Like George was right next to him. And that was the night he realized he was in love with his best friend.

He was taken from his memories when he felt a tug on his shirt. He gave George a smile and George pointed at the stool because he was still stuck under it. Dream untangled George from the stool and then George stood up and limps over to the bed. Dream just wheezed as he saw the struggle George was having to get over to the bed. When George finally sat on the bed Dream spoke up.

"Should I hang the curtains, because you clearly can't do it." Dream wheezed again. He heard a groan and he got the middle finger from George. 

While George layed on the bed with a pillow under his foot Dream did his best to hang curtains. After 15 minutes Dream was done and he sat on the bed next to George. 

"Do I need to get tape or some shit?" Dream asked. George nodded a yes. Dream walked over to the bathroom and got the first aid kit from the cabinet. He walked back to George who was still on the bed and he hadn't moved one bit. 

Dream sat down on the bed again and began to wrap his foot in bandages. It wasn't perfect but it was good enough. Dream walked out of the room and said to George that he would be downstairs.

Dream walked downstairs and he saw Sapnap sitting on the couch waiting for George and Dream to come back. When he saw Dream walking downstairs he smiled.

"Why did it take so long?" Sapnap asked.

"Hanging the curtains" Dream said but when he wanted to tell about George he only could Sapnap hear laughing. First, he thought nothing about it but when he looked behind him he saw George limp behind him.

"Hanging the curtains you say. Then why the Fuck is George limping, What did you do to the poor man?" Sapnap said between his laughs.

"Sap it's not what you think, He stood on the stool because he was to short to hang the curtains and when he stood on it he fell. Like the idiot he is." Dream said a bit angry but playful. George just nodded in agreement.

"Sureee." Sapnap smirked.

George just limped over to the stool Sapnap was in and gave him a slap on the head. When he was done hitting Sapnap he limped over to the couch and sat on it.

"So what movie did you pick?" Dream asked while he was also walking over to the couch.

"I picked a Mr.bean movie because I felt like we needed a laugh. I also already made some snacks. We have popcorn but it's cold now some candy and chips or as George would call them crisps. Sapnap looks up and sees George making a face at him.

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶

After the film, it is 1:23 am and the boys decided to go to bed. Sapnap and Dream go into Dream's room and George goes back to his room. George closes the curtains and then climbs into the bed.

This was a good day. Only my foot hurts like a bitch.

And with that George slept.

Sapnap and Dream had to build their wall of pillows again and after that struggle, they both said goodnight to each other, and then they went also to sleep.

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