Chapter 26

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George sighed and reached over, grabbing Dream's phone from the top of the middle console.

"" he awkwardly smiled. George handed Dream the phone and slid himself off of Dream's lap, which made Dream frown a bit."Hello?" Dream asked, answering the phone. Slight frustration seeped into his voice.

"Dream? Dude, where are you guys? I got up for water and literally no one is home." Sapnap saidfrom the other side of the phone."We just um..went for a little drive to get some fresh air.." Dream mumbled, glancing over at George who was looking down at his hands and awkwardly fiddling with the sleeve of Dream's hoodie.

"A drive?" Sapnap asked, Dream could hear Sapnap's smirk through the phone."Yeah. Which you interrupted..." Dream smiled through his teeth."F*ck seriously!? Dude I'm sorry!" Sapnap yelled, he then hung up the phone. Dream sighed and turned his phone all the way off and set it back in the middle console.

Damn it

Dream looked back at George who was now looking back at him.

"Who was it..?" George asked.

"It was just Sapnap." Dream smiled. George hummed and nodded. "You know George," Dreams tarted. He reached over and grabbed George, picking him up and placing him back down on his lap just like he had done before. He looked up at George and smiled, seeing the blush that was forming on George's face. "You should talk more." Dream smiled. A smile grew on George's face.

"Maybe I will.." George smiled. The two stared at each other for a moment, then began slowly leaning in like they had done before. Their lips just mere inches apart.


Dream immediately pulled away before their lips could meet

"What?" Dream asked, slight panic in his voice.

"I'm sorry I can't go on any longer I'm so uncomfortable." George groaned.

Dream's heart sank to his stomach.

"Oh..uh..alright. Um..we could go home then.." he weakly smiled. A look of confusion came over George's face, then a look of realization.

"Wait no that's not what I meant!" He yelled. "I mean I'm uncomfortable by my position right now,my foot is starting to fall asleep." George giggled. George shifted a bit and got comfortable then smiled down at Dream. Dream felt a wave of relief wash over him.

"You scared me." Dream laughed.

"Scared you?" George smiled. Dream nervously laughed and nodded. "Why?" George asked.Dream hesitated. How was he supposed to put it into words?

"I dunno...I thought I made you uncomfortable or like..made a mistake." He mumbled, taking a moment to find his words.

"Mistake..?" George mumbled, his voice cracking a little

Wrong words.
Dream scolded himself.

"I mean yes- but no! I mean-" Dream fumbled on his words trying to fix what he just did. "I just thought I made you uncomfortable, and I was scared that I made a mistake that would like...I dunno, ruin our friendship?" Dream asked.

Was that it?

George stared down at Dream, giving him the most confused face ever. George sighed, he understood Dream's point, although his wording on it was a bit off which hurt George a bit.

"I get it." George smiled. Dream let out a deep breath of relief and smiled up at George. They sat in silence for a while just staring at each other and enjoying one an-other's presence. After a bit George began to mess with Dream's hair a bit, tangling his fingers in it and swirling at around. This sent shivers down Dream's spine, and caused a bit more blush to grow on his face. He didn't feel too bad about his blush though because George was blushing equally. They were so close. Their faces were inches apart. Dream wanted to lean in and connect their lips like he had longed to do for years. He glanced down at George's lips then back up at his eyes, George was busy watching his hand move in Dream's hair to notice.

"George. Can I kiss you?"

George quickly looked from his hand that swirled around in Dream's hair and looked into Dream's eyes, slight shock at the question. Dream took note of the increase of blush on George's face that spread to the tips of his ears. The same nervousness from earlier creeped its way into Dream's stomach as he waited for some sort of reply.

Finally George slowly nodded, keeping the same shocked face. Dream smiled and leaned in closer to George. Now their lips were just centimeters apart. Dream didn't lean in anymore. He waited for George to lean in, for the last bit of confirmation that Dream needed. After a moment George caught on and he hesitantly leaned in,connecting their lips. George slowly slid his hand up Dream's chest and around his neck which sent shivers down Dream's spine. As the kiss went on George continued to play with Dream's hair.

The kiss didn't last very long but man...was it magical.

Finally, after a moment, the two pulled away. They slowly opened their eyes as they did so. They stared down at each other, slightly shocked with themselves. A deep shade of blush clouded both boys faces as they thought about what just happened. Finally, George leaned down and buried his face into the crook of Dream's neck. The soft breathing on Dream's neck made goosebumps pop up all over his body. He didn't mind though. I mean he really didn't mind.

"Let's not leave here right now.." George mumbled. His voice was muffled as George's face was still buried into Dream's shoulder.

"Alright." Dream softly chuckled. Dream leaned backwards allowing himself to lay down on the backseat chairs. This put George on top of Dream, resting his head on Dream's chest. George lifted his head off of Dream's chest and looked up at Dream with a fake pout. Dream wheezed and wrapped his arms around George's hips and back, pulling him up to Dream. George smiled down at Dream and leaned in, connecting their lips once more. When they finally pulled away George smiled and lowered his head, resting it underneath Dream's chin.

After a while Dream could hear George's soft snores. Dream quietly chuckled to himself and slowly slid his hand up George's back and to George's hair. He began gently petting the boys hair and wrapping his fingers in it. After awhile Dream too drifted off to sleep, but not before tightening his grip on George and giving him a small peck on the top of his head.

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