"I'm not buddy-buddy."
And I still gave him that same dirty look. I hated mornings. I was never a morning person. Even when i was little, it was like waking up a demon. Or a cat.
"I'm just hungry."

"Or thirsty."
Ace soon walked in behind him. Grabbing a glass and a carton of Orang Juice, pouring some for himself he then gives me a wink.

"I'm surprised they allow you to say that."
I let out a half chuckle, grabbing a mug as I hear the water in the kettle begin to boil.

"Who? My contracteh? I can say whatever I want."
He spoke proudly which made me give a smug look on my face.
"What's that look on ya face kid. I'm not jokin' I really can."

"Say Penis then. Go on. It's not hard. Peeen-isss"
I watched as he spit out the orange juice he began to drink. He then began coughing as he wiped is mouth.

"Are you aloud to say that?"

"I'm 16. If I wanted to i could see an R-rated film without anybody's say so."

"Y-Yew need my permission Sia."
2D sat at the dining table looking at his phone, putting on his glasses. He was reading something.
I blushed while silent. That's right...i had to be 17. Not that i had to have HIS permission though.

"Says who?"

There was the sound of boots on the floor as Noodle walked in.

My toast popped up causing most of us to jump. Noodz was definitely in one of her moods.
"We're going to miss our flight. And as fo' Sia. I can't trust yo' to be home alone so as much as I hate to say it but...あなたはあなたのお母さんと一緒にいるつもりです..."

I nearly dropped my toast as I took it out of the toaster. Did i hear her correctly? I'm going? WHERE!?

"No. No no no no no no no! I am NOT going back over there. I am. NOT!"
I slammed my fist on the counter, flipping my spoon into the floor.

"Wot? Where?"
2D asked giving both of us looks. It was a shame he couldn't translate well.

"She has legal rights we have to. Not to mention. The media. Yo' know what our contractor will say."
Hearing Noodle say that immediately made 2D stand up from his seat.

2D tried finding words and I completely agree with him. That's a definite NO!

"What's wrong with her going Noodle? I don't see an issue. Besides she-"
Ace was stopped by Noodle rambling untranslatable Japanese. I wasn't able to pick it up. But due to Cy's expression it wasn't good. Glad to know she wasn't the only one tuning in.

Noodle sighed, putting her thumb and index finger on the bridge of her nose.

"Sia-Chan. Yo' are going. Full stop. No arguments, now lets GO! 早く!"
She clapped her hands as I grabbed my toast.
Noodle was more...bickery whenever she was stressed. Something was bothering her but what?

Taking my toast and following the three of them and Cy I climbed into the vehicle, nibbling on my toast as I slumped down.
I didn't want to go to Halstead. I didn't want to stay with Mum. Not one bit. I looked beside me to see that Cy was sitting beside me. Which was relieving for the time being. At least i got to spend a whole hour with her beside me...i then watched as 2D squished in on the other side of me, and Ace on the other side of Cy.
4 people to a seat. That should be perfectly legal.
Moving over to get more room for myself I pushed into Cy. We were practically shoulder to shoulder. All four of us. The only people who actually had room were Noodle and Russel.

Everyone was complaining at first but eventually we got use to it...knowing well where we were going first we stayed silent.
About halfway there I did nothing but look at Cy's hand. I wanted to hold it...badly.

Gorillaz and me (PT 4)Where stories live. Discover now