Chapter 20

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Over the weeks of not seeing Brandy has not stop the guilt I felt for being a part of her and her wife's brake up. So many times I've tried to build up the courage to call her and tell her what I've done but I was too chicken. I would grab my phone and get to the part of dialing her number but never grew the balls to get pass that point. Sitting looking into my coffee cup watching as it grew cooler by the second. I still had no appetite. The guilt I felt was unexplainable.

"Good morning. Good morning love." I looked up at the sound of the voice to see no other then Brandy herself making her way to the cash register to order. I knew she came to this coffee shop often but I honestly didn't expect to see her. Now was my time to call her over and tell her what I've done but as i thought to call her over my body begin shrinking deeper into my seat praying that she wouldn't see me. I knew I was screwed because she looked my way and as soon as she got her order she begin making her way over to me. My heart begin to race. I just prayed the fear I felt wasn't written on my face.

"Hey girl." She said all happily. "Haven't been seeing you around."

"Work. You know how I am." I said as I forced a smile.

"Listen I just wanted to tell you that there is no hard feelings of your decision to put me out. We are still cool and I want us to remain friends."

"Really?" I asked kind of surprised. "We haven't spoken since then and I felt we were kind of on bad terms."

"Nah we good." She took a seat across from me and raised her brows at me. "You've been here for a while but haven't touched your coffee."

"How do you know that?" I asked surprised again.

"Your coffee is cold but still full to the top."

"Oh right."

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm good." I begin fiddling with the tip of my cup trying to distract myself. She was watching me. I could feel it.

"You know my mom would say... don't let shit fester in your brain for too long before you know it you gone look old as hell because you let unnecessary shit sit on your brain." I laughed.

"Your mom sound like a wise woman."

"She was very wise. So what's on your mind?" Sighing I thought fuck it. I need to tell her and she is here in front of me. Mine as well get it out the way. I knew I was going to lose this friendship after this confession.

"Don't hate me after I tell you this."

"Hate is strong. I won't. What's up?" She patiently waited for me to continue. Sighing again I said.

"I know the woman your wife kissed." She looked at me with raised brows obviously confused.

"Okay..." She waited for me to continue but when I didn't she said. "How do you know her?"

"She's my cousin." I could see her brain working.

"And you had to know this from the beginning because I never told or showed you who this woman was." Looking down in guilt I nodded my head. "I'm still confused though. Just tell me."

"I planned it." I mumbled.


"I said I planned this whole thing." Looking at her I still saw the confusion on her face.

"What do you mean you planned it?"

"From the time I saw you at your seminar. Me and my cousin haven't talked in years. That same day I went to your seminar is the same day she called me out the blue. We begin talking and catching up. She told me how she was homeless and needed a place to stay. I was reluctant to help her because I only hear from her when she needs something. Anyway through out our conversation she told me how she met an old high school friend and how she had a crush on her at the time. As we get deeper and deeper into this conversation my curiosity get the best of me and I ask to see a picture of this woman she's describing to me. When I see the picture I know it's Nancy."

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