Chapter 3, Part V

Start from the beginning

Kaori: Okay then, report-

Kaiji: Don't underestimate me.

Kaiji then knelt beside the body and took a good, hard look at it. He then turned his head to acknowledge me.

Kaiji: Well, I can draw up a conclusion. Judging from how her mouth was slit... we're looking for a left-handed culprit.

Daigo: Really?

Kaiji: 'Tis true.

Kaiji's Autopsy has been added to the Truth Needles.

Kaori: Hold on, can I have a look?

Kaiji: (sigh) You again, always trying to-

Kaori: I mean no offence, Kaiji. I need to see the body.

Kaiji: Alright, have it your way.

He let me pass, and I took a closer look at Kozue's body. More specifically, her face. Her mouth was open in terror, and from there I could see that all of her teeth were intact. Why her teeth, of all things? They just so happened to become important later.

Kozue's Body has been added to the Truth Needles.

Kaiji: You done?

Kaori: Yeah.

Daigo: Now then, we've gotta talk about what Kozue did.

Hirou: Right then.

Luka: She ran off after Masao's death, didn't she?

Kaori: Yes, she bolted into this room, and I believe she pushed a bench behind the door so that nobody could get in.

Daigo: Huh. So then how did the killer get in?

Kaiji: It appears... one of the benches has been moved. There's a bit of dry floor behind the door.

Hirou: Only one person could have moved this bench... Kozue!

Kaori: That's what I think happened.

Moved Bench has been added to the Truth Needles.

It was then that I noticed something. A small case, like the one you hold retainers in, making a rattling sound when I picked it up. Almost instantly, Luka reached out and tried to seize it from my hands.

Luka: Hey! That's mine! Give it me back! Give it me back!

Kaori: I'm sorry Luka, but it's evidence now. You'll get it back when the Class Trial's over, ok?

Luka: No way!

Hirou: Please be quiet. We don't want you causing a ruckus.

Luka: Ugh! Fine, then.

Luka's Case has been added to the Truth Needles.

Hirou: Something's been on my mind right now.

Kaori: And what is it?

Hirou: You'd need a girl's e-Handbook to gain access to this room. You noticed the scanner outside?

I took a brief peek at the scanner stationed outside of the room.

Kaori: I do.

Kaiji: Really? There's no scanner in the inside of the room. Anybody could have opened it.

Hirou: By "anybody", you mean... the victim?

Kaiji: My mind says yes.

Scanner has been added to the Truth Needles.

Daigo: Excuse me everyone! We're forgetting about the elephant in the room here!

Luka: Silly Daigo, there's no elephant-

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