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Wow look at me finally finding courage to do a request. Hope you like it!

Requested by @ItIsYaSpider

Goku and Vegeta have been acting strange ever since you've agreed to be in a poly relationship.

They've been particularly clingy towards you, asking you to stay the night with them after getting into violent tussles with people, really odd behavior.

Vegeta gives a deathly scowl at anyone who tries communicate with you. It got as far as him shooting a ki blast at someone who did a simple gesture as small as shaking your hand.

Goku just suffocates you. Whenever you give attention to anyone other than him, he'll try to get your eyes back where he wants them. He'll hug you to the point of literal asphyxiation, you have to pat him on the back aggressively to make him stop.

This has been going on for months and you've had the final straw.

Pulling up to a park you told Vegeta and Goku to meet you at, you pull out your phone to notify them that you've arrived.

Goku responds with nothing but heart emojis, Vegeta doesn't even respond, as to be expected.

You get out of your car and head over to the meeting point. Goku seeing you walking and immediately runs towards you. He tries to give you one of his signature chokehold hugs but you turn away.

Goku raises an eyebrow, while Vegeta walks up behind him.

"Why'd you ask us to meet here of all places?" Vegeta says.

"We need to talk." You say, folding your arms.

"What for?" Goku scratches his head and chuckles.

"You two are absolutely nothing but trouble. You two act feral when anyone tries to come in contact with me!"

Vegeta rolls his eyes and shrugs. "The only people that need to be in contact with you are Kakarot and myself. No one else."

You furrow your brows.

"Do you not know how insane you sound? Need I remind you of each time you've either killed or hospitalized someone on my behalf? Vegeta, you literally shot and killed someone just for saying hi to me, you've broke my grandma's hand when she tried to squeeze my cheeks, you nearly killed my boss for offering me tickets to a highly anticipated concert."

The Saiyan prince huffs.

"They needn't touch what isn't theirs."

"Goku, you punched an old lady when she asked me if she could get assistance while trying to cross the road."

"Hey! I didn't know her intentions! She could've been evil!"

"The list goes on boys..."

You sigh and rub your temple. "Look you two, all I'm saying is that you need to chill with your possessiveness. I love the both of you but I'm not sure we can be together if you continue on with this behavior."

Goku whines and Vegeta growls violently.

"Who put you in charge?" Said the Prince.

Mockingly, you answer the question "Oh I don't know, the god of destruction, Beerus put me in charge! No you dummies, I've been in charge, but now I'm putting my foot down because you two have quite literally been getting away with murder, all this time I've been letting it slide. I'm done not being able to live my life because of you guys."

"What if we don't wanna stop our behavior?" A cheeky grin appears on the goofy Saiyan's face.

"If you don't stop you both are getting dumped and swift punches to the face. Anymore questions?" You say innocently.

The Saiyan duo look back and forth at each other multiple times before giving in,

"Deal." They say in unison.

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