He walked out, and I slammed the door closed.

I walked back upstairs to my room, grabbing my phone.

I called the private number back, waiting on David to pick up.

"Dave what did you say to him?" I mumbled.

"Did I piss him off?" I could hear him smirk through the phone.

"David I'm serious." I sighed.

"Damn I ain't say nothing but hey. I just wanted to know what you blocked me for." He said.

"Cause I'm in a relationship with him now." I muttered.

"Youn sound too happy bout that." He replied.

"I am. He just pissed me off bout yo phone call though. Damnit I have a headache." I rubbed my temples.

"I'm sorry, I ain't know y'all was official or nothing. I'll step back til it's my turn." He said.

"Thank you." I laughed.

"Bye pretty."

"Byebye David." I chuckled and hung up.

I group FaceTimed the girls.

"Yurrrrr!" Jayda yelled.

"Wassgood!" Ari yelled, laughing.

"Wassam with y'all?" I laughed, looking at them.

"Shit I'm ready to go to the club, I just flew in yesterday." Jayda replied.

"I'm down." Ari said as they looked at me.

"Me too. I need a drink. Kentrell just pissed me smooth the fuck off." I groaned, feeling my headache get stronger.

"What happened?" Ari asked and Jayda nodded.

"A few weeks ago, Kentrell told me to block dave cause he was still commenting on my pics. So I did. Dave called me from a private number a few minutes ago, and Ken ended up answering it. He got jealous of course, accusing me of shit. So I went off on his ass and he tried to apologize. I put his ass out cause don't piss me off." I frowned as Jayda laughed.

"That boy crazy bout you." Ari said.

"That's not crazy, he's delusional. He literally made some shit up in his head and went with it." I rolled my eyes.

"Y'all so cute. Ben ass over here snoring and shit." She flipped the camera, showing Ben asleep next to her.

"He ugly as hell. But yea I'm finna take a nap, then we can go out." I said.

"Who car we taking?" Ari asked.

"I'm taking my own, cause I'm coming straight home." I told them.

"Me too, cause I'm going to Ben house afterwards." Jayda mumbled.

"Okay guess we all driving chile. See y'all hoes later." Ari threw up the piece sign.

"Bye bitches." I saluted them, and hung up laughing.

I laid down, about to take a nap.

I turned Spongebob up, taking my clothes back off.

I climbed under my covers, dozing off.

Hearing my phone ring, I groaned.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Time to wake up and get dressed bitch." Jayda's voice came through the phone.

"Ok, I'm up." I laughed, hanging up.

I rose up out my bed, going to my bathroom.

I started the shower water, and got in.

Love, Kentrell.Where stories live. Discover now