Chapter 49

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After I put the final touches on my essay, I saved the document twice to be sure and shut the laptop down thanking God that I was finally done with it. I quickly brushed my teeth and climbed into bed. I lay down between the sheets taking in a deep breath. Things have eben so hectic these past couple of months, and every day I became more and more miserable without Harry. I looked beside me at a picture of the two of us and held my breath.  It’s been 74 days since we broke up to be exact. I’ve tried calling him and texting him a few times, but it was no use. He wouldn’t answer my texts or calls, and whenever I’d Skype with the boys he’d just leave theroom. “He’s seriously hurt” Zayn had said. I didn’t want to admit it to myself, but letting Harry go was a huge mistake. I always feel so empty, like a huge part of me was missing. I exhaled loudly, switching the table lamp off trying to get my mind of Harry to get some sleep.


  The next morning, I was going over to Jasmine’s house since she and Scarlett thought I needed “a girls’ day in”. Honestly, all I wanted was to be alone. I turned on the radio to get my mind off things. I hummed along with Rihanna when a tune too familiar was played. The guitar strums began and I could feel my heart drop. ‘You’re insecure, don’t know what for’ It’s been ages since I’ve heard it, and I could remember the last time I did so vividly.

  “All I’m saying” Harry laughed as we home from to the movie theatre “is that there’s nothing wrong with a good chick-flick”

  “There’s no such thing as a good chick-flick” I laughed “They’re all so corny and—” I stopped when I heard a familiar tune. I looked at Harry with a beaming smile and turned up the radio to maximum volume.

  “Oh God, no” Harry muttered with a smile looking away.

  “You’re insecure” I sang to Harry using my phone as a mic “don’t know what for! You’re turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or, don’t need make-up to cover up, being the way that you are is eno-o-ough” I sang at the top of my lungs “Come on, Harry, it’s your solo” I begged. He gave me a cheeky look before he started singing.

  “Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone but you” he belted “BABY YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD LIKE NOBODY ELSE” we both sang at the top of our lungs “THE WAY THAT YOU FLIP YOUR HAIR GETS ME OVERWHELMED, BUT WHEN YOU SMILE AT THE GROUND IT AIN’T HARD TO TELL, YOU DON’T KNO-O-OW, YOU DON’T KNOW YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL” I remember both of us laughing so hard that we could barely breathe, and even rolling down all of the windows in the car for dramatic effects. It was time for Harry’s solo, he grabbed my hand dramatically and starting serenading me. I pretended to swoon and batted my eyelashes at him. After he was done he kissed my hand and held it the entire time home.

  “Baby you ligh—” I switched the radio off quickly before Harry could finish his solo. It hurt too much to listen to the sound of his voice or even look at him, which was hard to do since One Direction was everywhere. I could feel my heartbeats quickening and the tears forming behind my eyes. I quickly made a U-turn deciding against going to Jasmine’s. I didn’t want to see anyone right now. I just wanted to be alone. I drove with heavy tears falling not knowing where the heck I was even going.



  “Thank you, Las Vegas!” Louis said into the microphone one last time before we went off stage. I could feel the adrenaline still pumping in my veins as I grabbed a bottle of water.

  “Good job tonight, boys” our manager, Kendra, told us with shoulder pats as we made our way to the dressing rooms. I could still hear Louis and Zayn laughing about the thong that was flung on stage during Zayn’s solo. I was ready to join in with them when I felt two arms wrapping around my waist. I turned around to find Natasha standing there with her long blonde hair flowing to her waist and a beaming smile.

  “You did great tonight, baby” she said standing on the tip of her toes to kiss me.

  “Thanks” I said pulling away and holding her hand leading her to where all the boys were sitting.

  “Hey guys” she said excitedly sitting down on the couch. They all said their hello’s politely before falling into awkward silence when Liam struck up a conversation. I knew they were all acting like this because of Emily, especially Zayn. I really liked Natasha…well liked her enough. I slept around a lot after she’d broken up with me, but Natasha kind of grew on me. We weren’t official or anything, we were just seeing each other but I knew she wanted more. I just couldn’t give her more right now, and I’d made that clear to her.

  I wanted to be in love with her, I really did but I couldn’t. She was perfect; really sweet, honest, loyal, beautiful, and deep, but she wasn’t Emily, but Emily was in my past and I needed to keep things that way. I couldn’t afford to think about her or even retrieve some of our old memories, or else I’d unleash the gates of hell.

  “Babe, we’re going to be late for dinner” Natasha said to me. I nodded my head grabbing her hand and standing up.

  “Natasha and I are going out” I told the boys grabbing my jacket.

  “What about laser tag?” Niall complained while shoving a doughnut in his mouth.

  “Some other time” I said following Natasha out of the room.

  “I just need to get my purse” she told me “I’ll be right back” she gave me a quick kiss and walked off. I searched my pockets for my car keys, but I couldn’t find them anywhere. I must have left them with Louis. I was about to enter the room when I heard something I shouldn’t have.

  “Tell her now before she finds out herself” I heard Louis say. I raised my eye-brow in confusion.

  “She’s devastated right now” Zayn protested “Besides, why should I be the one to tell her?”

  “Because you’re closest to her” Niall told him. Emily. They were talking about Emily.

  “I can’t believe she didn’t find out herself yet” Zayn said “I mean, the pictures of Natasha and Harry are everywhere”

  “I still think you should tell her about Natasha” Liam said.

  “Fine” Zayn sighed “I miss her, you guys”

  “We all do” said Liam “But what can we do? She refuses to come visit”

  “I wouldn’t blame her” Niall huffed “Harry won’t even acknowledge her plus, he has a new girlfriend” I couldn’t take any more of it. I just swallowed my throat and backed away deciding we’d just take Natasha’s car.


  “Well that was lovely” Natasha said as we left the restaurant clinging onto my arm. I just smiled at her and nodded. I was still thinking the conversation I’d accidentally heard over and over “What’s wrong?” Natasha asked stopping me “You’ve been quiet throughout the whole date. Is something bothering you?”

  “It’s nothing” I said kissing her lips quickly “Let’s just go back to the hotel” I said making my way to the car.

  “You’re thinking about her, aren’t you?” I froze in my place not knowing what to say. Natasha would never admit it, but I knew she loathed Emily even though she’d never met her.

  “No” I answered a bit too late “Let’s just go. Please?”

  “Can we please talk about this?” she asked with a pinch of anger in her tone “I just feel like every time you look into my eyes, you see her. And I know that the reason I’m not really close with your band mates is because of her. And looking at that tattoo is hard enough” she gasped exasperated. She just rubbed her temple with tears in her eyes. I didn’t say anything for a couple of minutes. I just stood there staring at the ground.

  “Natasha” I finally said moving closer to her “Emily’s in my past” I said holding her face in my hands “You’re here with me now, and that’s all that matters right? I really like you, and I’m not going to let Emily ruin this for you and me”

  “Really?” she asked with a grin forming on her face.

  “Really” I replied gulping my throat with guilt pecking her lips. 

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