Chapter 20

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  I kicked the side table angrily. We literally couldn’t go two days without an argument. I went on Twitter to check if things calmed down a bit. Obviously, things only went downhill. Some fans were angry, others were excited, and the media was eating this entire thing up. There was even an article about a love triangle between Emily, Zayn, and myself. What have I done?

  After half an hour, I was beginning to get worried about Emily since she hasn’t returned yet. I dialed the first person she’d be with; Zayn.

  “Hello?” Zayn replied groggily. Obviously I’ve just woke him up.

  “Zayn” I said trying to wake him up “Is Emily with you?”

  “No” Zayn replied intensely “Why would Emily be with me at 3 A.M?”

  “We just had a fight and she stormed off” I told him quickly “I’ve got to go find her, call me if you hear from her” I hung up the line and called Jasmine’s hotel room, and was answered by Niall who was sleeping over there. She wasn’t there either. Where could she be at 3 in the morning in a hotel in Los Angeles? I called Liam and Louis as well, but they haven’t heard from her either. I tried calling her again, but she wasn’t answering. I quickly slipped my shoes and hoodie on heading out to find her. My pace quickened by the minute. What if she was hurt? What if some random pedophile picked her up? I should’ve followed her the second she left the room. I scanned the lobby first, receiving weird looks from the employees. I checked the pool next, but she wasn’t there either. I’d also checked the gym, the bars, and the coffee shops, but she wasn’t in either of those.

  I walked towards the beach praying that she was there. I walked along the edge of the shore examining each and every spot carefully. I finally spotted a small figure curled up near the shore on a sun bed. I let out a sigh of relief as I made my way towards her. She was running her finger smoothly against the screen of her phone with a stern look. I knew exactly what she was doing. I took the cell phone away from her and placed it in my pocket. I grabbed her head and leaned it against my chest.

  “I don’t ever want you to go out looking for hate again, okay?” I whispered to her. I stroked her hair gently “You’re mine, I’m yours, and nobody in this world can change that. You know why? Because I’m only me when I’m with you, Em; I don’t have to be the cheeky Harry Styles, or flirty Harry, or Nickelodeon Harry. When I’m with you, I’m just Harry”

  “And just Harry is my favorite Harry” she said smiling faintly. I kissed her forehead tenderly as she laid her head back on my chest. We were both beat as I drove her to the airport the next day since we hadn’t had any proper amount of sleep in the past few days. She booked her flight and held the ticket back to London in her hands. Things between us were still kind of shaken because of what happened last night. Niall and Jasmine were in a coffee shop somewhere in the airport. They literally never left each other’s sides the entire three days.

  Emily and I stood in the middle of the airport just staring at each other with a loss of words. Hundreds of people passed by, but all I could see was Emily and her plane ticket. She let out a huge sigh before throwing her arms around me. I held her back burying my face into her shoulder.

  “I hate it when we fight” she whispered.

  “Me too” I replied shakily.

  “I better get going” she said finally pulling away, wiping a tear from her eye “I’ll see you in 30 days” she said stepping backwards before she finally turned around and walked away. I stood there in the middle of the airport rubbing my face with frustration. I looked back up again and watched as she disappeared into the sea of people.

  “Emily, wait” I yelled as I ran after her. I squirmed my way between the people until I finally spotted her yellow sweater and ran towards it “Hey” I said grabbing her hand and spinning her around to kiss her. My hands intertwined with hers and our lips moved together. I could feel her smile warmly under the kiss “I love you” I whispered pulling away, resting my forehead on hers.

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