Chapter 15

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   I tugged on Harry’s jacket, pulling him even closer to me. It was a bit chilly tonight, but Harry’s arms kept me warm. It was almost two hours after the concert, and Harry and I were lying on the hood of his car on a high cliff which had a great view of London. He pressed his kips against my temple as I buried my face into his chest. Why did he have to leave just when everything started working out for us? I could hear the sound of his heartbeats beating calmly. His fingers traced small circles on my thigh which made shivers run up my spine.

  “Don’t leave tomorrow” I whispered.

  “I wish I didn’t have to” he said. This moment would be perfect if only it wasn’t a goodbye scene “I’ll be back in no time though”

 “You’re going away for three whole months” I said looking up at him. I immediately regretted what I had just said. I didn’t need to make him feel bad for something he didn’t have a say in “But it won’t be so bad, you know…Skype and all” I face-palmed myself on the inside. I looked up at Harry whose Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as a blank look covered his face “I’m sorry” I started “I didn’t mean it like that”

  “It’s fine” he said gently kissing my cheek. He continued to plant small kisses on my cheek before his lips trailed down to my neck. I placed my hands on the back of Harry’s neck, pulling him closer. He left a few love-bites near my jaw before planting his lips on mine. Our lips moved in sync as he grabbed my waist, pulling me closer. He slipped his tongue gently through my lips as I ran my fingers through his hair. Harry stopped kissing me as he grabbed my hand and pulled me off the car and into the backseat.

  He shut the car door behind him as I pulled him by the collar towards me and pressed my lips against his. I could feel him smile throughout the kiss so I couldn’t help but smile as well. I took his blazer off and threw it in the front seat as he suckled on the skin on my neck which caused me to let a small moan escape my lips. Harry’s hands rested on the hem of my shirt ready to take it off when I realized how fast this was all going.

  “Harry” I whispered, but it somehow came out as a groan “Harry” I said again, this time more sternly which caused him to stop.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked looking into my eyes.

  “We can’t do this right now and right here” I told him biting my bottom lip.

  “Yeah” he said looking a bit disappointed “You’re right”

  “I’m sorr—”

“Don’t you dare apologize, Emily” he said placing a hand on my mouth “I’ll wait as long as you need. I won’t pressure you into anything.” I smiled as I kissed him one last time on the lips before sitting up.

“Well” I said climbing to the passengers’ seat “We need to get going since your flight is at 7 AM tomorrow” I told him. He groaned as he squirmed into the drivers’ seat. I couldn’t help but pinch his bum as he was doing so.  He yelped as he laughed and squirmed around even more.

“I know my bum is voluptuous” he said jokingly as he settled into his seat “But please, control yourself” he gave me a cocky look as he started the engine and drove onto the street. I threw my head back with laughter “Do you want to come spend the night at my place?” he asked seriously. I was taken aback by his question “Come on Em; just like old times”

 “I can’t, I don’t have my PJ’s or toothbrush” I told him.

  “That’s fine” he said “I have spare toothbrushes still in their package and you can borrow some clothes from my closet to wear to bed. Pleeaaasssseee, Em?” he grabbed my hand making a sad puppy face “It’s my last night in town”

  “Fine” I told him smiling “Let me just text Amanda telling her I won’t be coming back home tonight” Not that she really cares. I doubt she’s even going to be home in the first place since Dad’s STILL out of town. Plus, how can I explain to Amanda that Harry and I are together now in a text message without her freaking out and telling all her friends? I decided against texting Amanda and decided that I would tell her I’m at Scarlett’s if she calls.

  We stepped into Harry’s flat quietly so we wouldn’t wake Louis or the boys next door up. Harry handed me a t-shirt, a pair of boxers, and a spare toothbrush. I got into the bathroom and quickly changed before I brushed my teeth and joined Harry in bed. He pulled me close to him as he wrapped his legs around mine for warmth. I smiled as I looked back at Harry and gave him a peck on the lips “Good night” I whispered.

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