Chapter 13

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   I sat on a stool waiting nervously for Zayn and Emily to come back. God knows what they’re even doing back there in the car. I watched the entrance of the club anxiously until they walked in. His arm was around her and she was smiling and giggling at him. I turned back around and gulped down my drink in one sip. Zayn is the only one who knows how much I love her, why the fuck is he doing this?

  I watched as she whispered something in his ear and he nodded in agreement. I continued to glare as they walked towards the bar. I put my drink down and walked towards them angrily.

  “Emily” I said as I stood beside her.

  “Yeah?” she said not even looking at me. Her attention was still directed to Zayn.

  “Emily, I need to talk to you”

  “Okay” she said turning around “Shoot” I looked back at Zayn who was ordering drinks for the two of them.

  “We need to talk about what went down this morning”

  “Oh, that” she said carelessly. Why was she acting like this?

“Yeah, that” Zayn wasn’t looking, but I knew he heard every single word “Where exactly do we stand?”

“Aren’t we just friends?” she said smiling.

“Emily, what’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing, I’m as good as ever”

“Why are you acting like this?” I snapped.

“I’m not acting like anything, Harry. It was you who decided that we should just be friends” Was she fucking serious right now? This morning I told her that I still had feelings for her and now she’s acting as if I banged her then told her I wanted to settle for being just friends. I pulled her by the arm somewhere where no one can hear us.

“What’s the matter with you?” I said my voice getting higher.

  “Me? You’re the one who should make up his fucking mind, Styles!” I looked at her with pain and anger. How could she say that when she was the one who left me in the first place? Her words cut me like knives. I had nothing else to say to her so I walked back to the bar where Zayn was sitting.

  “Hey, mate” he said joyfully. I grabbed him by his shirt and pinned him against the bar. I heard everyone gasp and saw that everyone’s eyes were directed at us “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?” he yelled.

  “Harry, stop! You don’t want to do this!” I heard Emily tell me as she tried to pull me back.

  “Okay, okay” Louis said grabbing me by the shoulder “Show’s over” Niall and Louis pulled Zayn and I away from the bar. I looked back at Emily who had her face buried in her hands and was being comforted by Eleanor and Jasmine.

  “Can someone tell me what the heck just happened back there?” said Liam with Danielle and Scarlett behind him with a worried look. I just glared at Zayn. I trusted him. He was the only person who knew about my feelings toward Emily and yet he was all cuddly in a car with her.

  “Do you guys mind if Harry and I talk alone?” Zayn asked calmly.

  “Okay” Louis said backing up “But if you two get it on again, I’m bringing the forces back in” Zayn laughed lightly at Louis’ remark before directing his attention towards me.

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