Chapter 16

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  I was on the way with Harry to the airport. Zayn, Harry, and I were in a car while Niall, Louis, Eleanor shared one, and Liam and Danielle wanted to drive separately there so they could have some alone time before Liam leaves again. Zayn was sleeping, as usual, while I rested my head on Harry’s shoulder with my hand in his.

  “I wish I could take you with us” Harry said squeezing my hand.

  “Me too” I said “Last night was amazing. Thank you” He smiled as he cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. I smiled as I kissed him back and pulled him closer.

  “Get a room” Zayn groaned switching his sleeping position. Harry grabbed his jacket and threw it at him. He made a small aching sound, but resumed sleeping anyway. I laughed at the sight of him.

  “I love hearing you laugh” Harry said playing with a strand of my hair “Promise me we’ll skype every night?”

  “Promise” I said wrapping my pinky around his giving him a peck on the lips. As we were at the airport, I gave each one of the guys a hug leaving Harry last. He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck, burying my face into it. I gave him one last kiss on the cheek before it was time to say goodbye. He grabbed his bag and made his way to the escalator. Our eyes were locked as he was disappearing from my view. ‘I love you’ he mouthed before I couldn’t see him anymore. I sighed before I tied my hair into a ponytail and made my way out of the airport.

  “Don’t worry” Danielle said with a supportive arm around me “He’ll be back before you know it”

  “How did you guys deal with it at first?” I asked.

  “I’m not going to lie” said Eleanor “It was hard, but it’s so worth it when you see him again for the first time in months” I hoped she was right. After that, the three of us went out for lunch before I headed home and took a long shower. I was exhausted since we went to bed at 2 AM, and then got up at 6. I didn’t know how they could put up with it. I got dressed and laid on my bed for a quick power nap. I drifted off to deep sleep.

 I ran to the top of the hill where Harry was waiting for me. I grabbed him from behind and gave him a huge hug “I missed you” I told him. He turned around to look down at me and smiled. His beautiful green eyes glistened in the sun. I ran my finger across his features, admiring each and every one of them. I could feel another hand on my shoulder. I looked back to find my mother. I stared at her with shock.

  “Mom? What are you doing here?” she didn’t say anything. She simply smiled at me running a hand through my hair. I backed away from her sinking into Harry’s embrace “Why are you here?” I asked again. I looked up at Harry for support, but he took his arm off me and stood beside my mom. I looked at him with confusion. He gave me a small nod before he and my mother started walking away. “Harry, don’t leave me” I yelled behind him “Don’t leave me like she did” I yelled again referring to my mother. They didn’t look back. I crumpled on the floor weeping like a child. I looked up at the sky that was now a velvety color, and not the pretty one. The grass and flowers around me turned into concrete. I looked behind me to find a pack of wolves. I got up and started running as fast as my legs could run. There was nothing but emptiness, so I had nowhere to hide for safety. I fell on the ground with a thud. I covered my face as a wolf jumped onto me.

 I gasped for air as I sat up in my bed breathing heavily. I grabbed my throat which was now aching from dehydration. It finally hit me; I wasn’t scared of my feelings for Harry, I was scared of him abandoning me just like my mother. I wiped the sweat off my body reaching for my phone; 3 AM. I dialed Harry’s number with my heart beating faster with every ring.

 “Babe” he said answering “I miss you already!”

 “Me too” I said still a bit shaken by the dream.

 “What’s the matter? You sound a bit shaky”

  “It’s nothing” I said trying to sound steady “I just had a bad dream and needed to hear the sound of your voice”

  “Do you want me to stay on the phone with you until you fall asleep again?”

  “No, it’s fine. You probably have a tight schedule—”

  “Emily” he said shutting me up “It’s fine” I laid my head back down on the pillow with Harry still on the other line. I ended up staying awake for another hour unable to contain my laughter. He was doing all kinds of crazy things; singing obnoxiously, messing with Zayn while he was asleep, pissing off the room service, and talking in a Mexican accent. He finally calmed down and started speaking in a hushed tone. I could feel my eyelids slowly closing shut. “I love you Em, forever and always” was the last thing I heard him say before I fell asleep again.

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