Chapter 10

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 I led Harry into the house and turned on the light. We were both soaking wet so we sat by the fireplace.

“I’m going to go change” I told him. He nodded at me and rubbed his hands together for warmth. I was still shivering as I took my wet t-shirt and shorts off and slipped on new PJ’s. I thought about what Harry was going to wear since he couldn’t stay in his soaking clothes. I dug out an old t-shirt that he gave me a long time ago and a pair of my father’s PJ pants that were still in their bag. I also had a pair of Harry’s boxers that I borrowed from him when I spontaneously decided to sleep at his place back in Holmes Chapel.

“Emily, you don’t have to—“he told me when he saw the pile of clothes in my hands.

“I know” I said “I want to. Plus, this is yours” I handed him his t-shirt and boxers (a bit embarrassed that I still kept the boxers).

“I can’t believe you still have these” he told me smiling. I just grinned at him politely considering the awkward situation that happened not more than an hour ago “Thank you” he whispered to me.

“Anytime” I told him “Now go change before you catch a cold or something” He smirked at me as he stepped backwards towards the guest room. I sat by the fire and sighed. I didn’t know how much longer I could keep up with this, which was rather silly considering that it’s only been a day.

“Everything okay?” I asked as I opened the door to the guests’ room.

“Yeah” he replied “everything’s great. Again, thank you so much, Em”

“No problem” I said politely “Well, I’m heading upstairs. Wake me up if you need anything, night Haz” I turned around and started to close the door when I felt his hand around my wrist.

“Please stay” he said practically whispering. I turned around to face him. His eyes had a vacant look in them that I couldn’t quite determine.

“Okay, sure” I said lying on the bed next to him. This didn’t make any sense, but I went with it anyway. We’ve slept in the same bed and face-to-face before, but we were together back then. I wasn’t sure what Harry and I were at the moment, and I didn’t want to lead him to thinking that we’ll be back together by tomorrow but I was selfish. I wanted Harry next to me.

“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” he asked “because I don’t want to pressure you into anything”

I nodded my head as I stared at his beautiful face and admiring each and every feature. I turned around so that my back was towards him as he pulled me close and rested his hand on my waist. I didn’t know what this was but I didn’t care at the moment. Having Harry next to me was the most reassuring feeling to me. I felt safe in his arms, like nothing could go wrong because I know I’ll have him by my side.

“I’m sorry” he whispered into my ear. His warm breath against my neck sent chills down my spine.

“No, don’t apologize. I was the one who overreacted” I told him lifting my head to face him. Our lips were inches apart, but we were both hesitant so I turned away before anything else could happen. He buried his face into the back of my neck as we both drifted into deep sleep.

“HARRY” I was yelling at the top of my lungs “HARRY” I yelled again. He didn’t hear me and continued to sing. I tried to make my way between the screaming girls, but I couldn’t. “HARRY, IT’S ME” I yelled once again. “STOP YELLING” one of the girls in a 1D t-shirt snapped “He’s not yours anymore. He’s ours to share!”

“NO” I told her with disbelief “He’s still mine!”

“You left him, remember?” another girl said as the screams of girls continued to fill my ears.

“I made a mistake!”

“it doesn’t matter” another girl said “you lost him forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever…” she continued to chant those words as I covered my ears. I looked up at the stage again and saw White Eskimo instead of 1D on stage.

“those were the best days of my life” Harry sang to ‘Summer of 69’. I smiled with tears in my eyes as I called out his name again.

“…and ever and ever and ever and ever”

I opened my eyes gasping for air. ‘It was just a dream’ I told myself. I was still breathing quickly and tried to calm myself down. I looked back at Harry who was still sound asleep. I buried my face into my hands trying to calm down.

“Emily?” Harry said waking up “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing” I replied lying back “Everything’s fine”

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