Chapter 27

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  It’s been 64 days since she’d left. It got harder day by day. One Direction was on rest and had two whole months of no touring, recording, concerts, or signings. We spent 1 month in our hometowns, then the second month in London. The first month in Holmes Chapel was good since I got to see my family and friends. The second month in London was pure torture. I had to watch Niall and Jasmine everyday being all lovey-dovey, and I’m utterly happy for them, but I can’t help but feel jealous. Jealous that they got through everything together and Emily and I didn’t, but then again, Niall never cheated on Jasmine.

  I can tell that Zayn misses her too. She was one of the few people he could really talk to. The boys go on Skype with her a lot, but it gets awkward when I come on camera, so I stopped. Louis wants to be there for me, and he is, but there’s only so much a friend can do for another. I can’t tie Louis down with me every single night. I mean he had a life to live and a girlfriend to love and spend time with, so I’ve been hanging out with Lila a lot. We were just friends and that worked perfectly fine for me. I could talk to her about Emily, plus she was a fun person to spend time with to get my mind off Emily…for a few minutes. In fact, we were hanging out tonight as well. She was coming over and bringing a movie along with her.

  “Har-bear” she yelled as she came into my apartment.

  “I’m over here, Lil” I called to her as I poured the popcorn into the bowl.

  “Guess what movie I got?” she squealed coming into the kitchen “Nightmare on Elm Street”

  “You and your horror movies” I replied smiling at her.

  “I’ll go put it in the DVD player” she beamed excitedly “Hey Lou” she did a huge wave in Louis’ face as he came into the kitchen. He gave her the best smile he could and waved back. He let out a huge groan as soon as she left. Lila wasn’t exactly Louis’ favorite person in the world.

  “Why do you hang out with her, man?” Louis asked filling a cup with water. He was all dressed up for a date with Eleanor tonight “Is there a sudden shortage of girls to hang out with in London?” he asked sarcastically.

  “She’s not so bad once you get to know her” I told him, shushing him so that she couldn’t hear us “Plus she’s good company”

  “Harry, come on!” she yelled from the living room. Louis rolled his eyes with a sigh.

  “I’ll be back by twelve” he said grabbing the car keys “Don’t let her sleep in my bedroom without permission again!”

  “I won’t” I told him as he left the apartment. I grabbed the bowl of popcorn and slouched on the couch beside Lila. As the movie begun, my thoughts kept drifting away and away towards Emily again. Every time something scary or bloody happened in the movie, Lila would shriek and hold onto me. It kind of felt awkward since I haven’t been affectionate with any girl even since Emily left. I’ve hooked up with girls to get my mind off things, but never have I ever been intimate or affectionate with a girl after she’d left.

  “Are you thinking about her?” Lila suddenly asked out of nowhere. I looked at her, caught off guard. I could hear the girl in the movie scream horrifically, but Lila was waiting for an answer.

  “Yes” I answered immediately without hesitation.

  “Do you miss her?” she asked again with a broken voice.

  “Yes” I answered again, breathlessly “more than you’ll ever know.”

  “Harry,” she started turning her whole body towards me “It’s been two months already. When are you finally going to let go of her and see what’s really in front of your eyes?”

  “Because I love her; the thought of letting go of her is impossible.” I answered almost automatically. Why was she saying this anyway? I opened my mouth to talk when Niall barged in.

  “Harreh” he yelled “I’m hungry, will you please make me a taco?” he made a puppy face. I laughed and shoved my palm into his face.

  “I’ll make them for you” I said laughing “Just don’t give me that face again. Save it for Jasmine in bed or something” he kicked my ass (literally) as I walked towards the kitchen. We ended up calling Jasmine, Danielle, Liam, Zayn, and even Eleanor and Louis from their date to come over for tacos and a movie. ‘Emily was supposed to be here as well’ I thought, but I shook it out of my head. Emily was gone and I needed to accept that.

I got the meat, tomato, and everything out when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

  “I’m tired” Lila said “So I’ll just be heading home, okay?” she said slowly.

  “Don’t you want to stay for tacos?” I asked.

  “No thanks, I’m beat. I’ll call you tomorrow?” she said grinning. I nodded my head at her when she grabbed my face and kissed me. I froze in shock as she pulled away “If Emily can’t see how much you’re worth, just know that I can” she whispered before leaving me in complete and utter shock.

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