Chapter 14

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Days passed by and Harry and I still haven’t talked. Every atom of me missed him. I still texted Zayn and the rest of the guys, but I haven’t mustered up the courage to talk to Harry. I knew that the clock was ticking and that he was going to the USA for three months so I had to act fast if I didn’t want to lose him again.

 I looked at myself in the mirror one last time before I headed to Jasmine’s house. I looked terrible. There were sacks under my eyed because of my messed up sleeping schedule, and my eyes were always puffy. I put my sunglasses on and made my way to Jas’s house.

 “JAS!” I called stepping into her house “Jazzy!” I yelled again. I checked the living room, but there was no sign of her anywhere. I took my sunglasses of and made my way up to her bedroom “Jasmi—” I froze in my place when I saw Niall in Jasmine’s room with her old photo album “Niall?” I asked, I was happy to see him but also shocked. Why was Niall in Jasmine’s room?

  “Hey there, Emily” he said giving me a hug “Jasmine’s in the bathroom, she was just showing me some of her old photos” I nodded my head still a bit confused. I couldn’t imagine Peter, Jasmine’s over-protective and jealous boyfriend, okay with this.

  “How have you been, Niall?” I asked him.

  “I’m great, the question is how are you?” he asked smiling goofily.

  “I’ve been better” I told him trying to smile.

  “Don’t worry, you guys will figure it out eventually” I hoped he was right.

  “Oh, you’re here” I heard Jasmine say coming into the room. I turned around to face Jasmine and gave her the ‘You-and-Niall?’ look. She just froze there looking from Niall to me, and from me to Niall.

  “Well, it’s obvious that you two have some things to catch up on” Niall said stepping out the door “So I’ll see you guys later?”

  “Yeah, sure” Jasmine said embracing him into a huge bear hug. She laughed as he squeezed her hips tight and nuzzled his face into her neck. I saw a smile on Jasmine’s face that I haven’t seen in a really long time. I grinned and turned away to the window giving them some privacy.

 “I’ll see you real soon, Emily?” Niall said. I turned away and smiled.

 “Yeah” he waved and made his way down the stairs. I waited to speak until I heard the door shut “YOU AND NIALL?” I asked Jasmine with my jaw dropped.

  “It’s not what you think” she said laughing and gushing “We’re just friends”

  “What about Peter?”

“I broke up with him last night” Jasmine said “Niall showed me what I was missing. Why should I put up with Peter’s crap when someone like Niall even exists?”

 “This is going to sound harsh” I told her “but I’m glad you and Peter are over” I was more than glad. I was ecstatic. Peter was the worst; he cheated on Jasmine twice, abused her verbally every day, and was always flirting around with other girls. Jasmine deserved way better and I’m glad Niall finally showed her that.

 “I am too” she said.

“I’m starving” I told her going down to the kitchen.

“You’re always starving” she said pulling the mac and cheese out of the cabinet “Have you talked to Harry?”

“Nope” I sighed getting the bowls out of the cabinet. Honestly, as much as I wanted to talk to him I didn’t have the courage to.

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