Chapter 30

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  I tied my hair up in a bun, then voted against it and let it fall down to my shoulders again. I looked at my outfit, making sure it was perfect. Oh God, my hair was a mess. I ran my fingers through it trying to straighten it out. I grabbed the eyeliner and carefully applied it on my eyelid.

  “You’re getting awfully dressed up for a concert” said Joseph as he lay down on my bed, watching me getting ready.

  “I’m not wearing anything special” I told him, trying not to show my panicking. I actually did want to look good tonight if I’m seeing him again. 

 “Yeah” he said “But you never wear that much make-up”

  “Am I wearing too much?” I asked nervously trying to clear off some of it. Harry hates it when I wear too much make-up. Wait, why was I thinking about how Harry wants me to look? Screw this; I can go looking like a hobo for all I care.

  “Okay, I’m ready” I finally said putting my jacket on. Joseph got off the bed and walked outside towards the car. He hasn’t said five words to me all day long. He became really grumpy after I told him that we had to cancel dinner tonight since it was the only night I had with the boys. Why was I even taking him? What was I thinking when I decided to show up to my ex-boyfriend’s concert with my current boyfriend?

  The drive was incredibly silent, but I didn’t care. In a matter of minutes I’d see them again. We arrived at the arena, and I almost leaped out of the car. We were going backstage to see the boys before they start their concert. After various phone calls, we were finally directed backstage. The first person I was greeted by was Niall.

  “Nialler” I beamed running into his arms.

  “Come back to London already, loser” he said laughing. Hearing Niall’s laugh for the first time in a long time made me realize how much I’d truly missed them.

  “You cheeky monkey!” someone said behind me. I turned around to find Liam smiling sweetly. I hugged him tightly. I talked to them for a while and caught up with them about London, Danielle, Jasmine, the tour and so on. After a few minutes, Louis and Zayn came out of the dressing room as well. I greeted them both with open arms as they carried me up in the air.

  “We’re hijacking you back to London, young lady” Zayn said in his Bradford accent which I’d missed.

  “Put me down you guys” I told them, laughing hysterically. I looked around, wondering where Harry was. I grew more and more nervous with every second that passed. I finally saw a head of curly hair walking around, then towards us. I turned around and continued talking to the rest of the boys, pretending as if I hadn’t seen him walking towards us.

  “Harry, there you are” Louis beamed “Harry, Emily, you two remember each other, right?” Louis said cheekily. I turned around to look at Harry whose facial expression was completely stoned.

  “Hi” I said nervously.

  “Hey” he replied. We were both silent which caused everyone to go into awkward silence mode.

  “Well can I at least hug you awkwardly?” I asked him with a smile, mimicking him the last time I saw him back in London. He smiled faintly and embraced me into a hug. I took in his beautiful scent and lost myself in him. I held onto him until I realized that the rest of the boys and Joseph (whom I’d forgotten about for the past few minutes) were standing there “Um guys” I said pulling away “This is Joseph, he’s my-”

  “I’m Emily’s boyfriend” he said bluntly. I could feel my face turn red with embarrassment. Niall stood there gaping at me, Liam looked as if he was about to pass out, Louis was shooting daggers with his eyes at Joseph, and Zayn just stared at me with shock. I looked at Harry who didn’t look shocked at all. He just stood there with a blank expression, which bothered me for some reason. I quickly shook the idea out of my head. I shouldn’t be thinking like this.

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