Chapter 39

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Emily’s POV:

  My face turned bright red as I pushed Harry off me and straightened my hair out. Well this was awkward.

  “We got worried about you guys” Liam told us trying to break the tension “So we came back for you” I just nodded my head and handed the life guard the rope.

 “The, um, engine stopped working” I told them trying to justify why we were making out on a jet ski in the middle of the ocean.  I grabbed Niall’s hand as he helped us climb onto the boat. I went back and sat at the end of the boat with my face still bright red. I looked back at Harry who was discussing something with Louis. He caught me staring and smirked which made me blush even harder.

  “So,” Niall began sitting next to me “Does this mean that things between you and Harry are finally back to normal?”

  “I don’t know” I shrugged “But I hope it does” I told Niall without taking my eyes off Harry for one second.


  “THIRD NIGHT IN IBIZA, BITCHES!” Scarlett sang walking down the stairs with the rest of us girls following. We were going out for an early dinner somewhere fancy, then we were hitting the clubs again ( My eyes immediately darted around searching for Harry, but he was nowhere to be seen. I looked around and noticed that Lila wasn’t here either. That could only mean one thing; they were together somewhere.

  I tried not to let it get to me, but failed miserably.

  “Everyone ready to go?” asked Liam.

  “Yes” everyone replied.

  “Wait, where’s Harry?” Louis asked.

  “Right here” we all looked back to find Lila and Harry coming in apparently coming back from the beach. I looked at Lila who was wearing a super tight and super short orange dress with layers and layers of make-up on her face. She caught me looking and smirked at me, placing a hand on Harry’s shoulder. Rage instantly poured into me.  I shouldn’t have agreed to letting her spend the week here, but of course; Harry just had to butt in and go all Ghandi on my ass. ‘She’s your cousin, Emily! Her family is in Greece for the summer, she has no one to go back home to blah blah blah’. I was absolutely sure that Lila could’ve found a thousand more options for her summer plan, but of course, she had to butt into mine.

  As we arrived to the Italian restaurant, I could feel Harry’s hand slide onto my waist pulling me close to him “You look beautiful tonight” he whispered into my ear. No, not tonight; not with the whole Lila situation going on. I pulled away from his reach and took a seat between Niall and Eleanor. Harry sat opposite of me and looked at me questioningly. I ignored his glare and looked through the menu and started a conversation with Eleanor. I looked back up to find Lila sitting next to Harry. As if I didn’t see that coming.

  ‘Riverside motherfucker!’ The music pounded in my ears as I danced and jumped in sync with the beat. The smell of alcohol in the atmosphere was intoxicating. I looked back at Danielle and Liam who were over by the bar and signaled for them to come over and dance when something else caught my attention. Lila. And. Harry. Again. This whole thing was beginning to sicken and bore me.

  Screw her, screw him, and screw this. I was in freaking Ibiza, the party central of the world. I shouldn’t be obsessing about Lila and Harry about this. I walked over to the bar and had a couple of drinks to heighten my energy level.

  “Hey” a husky voice said into my ear. I turned around to find a guy taller than me in about 5 inches with bronze hair falling right above his eyes and huge muscular arms. He looked around 20 or 21.

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