Chapter 28

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Harry’s POV:

   I woke up to the sound of my phone still ringing. I grabbed my phone, agitated by the constant caller. It was Lila. I put my phone on silent and lay back down. I haven’t talked to her since she’d spontaneously kissed me last night, and I wasn’t planning on talking to her anytime soon. I felt betrayed on the behalf of Emily. Lila was her cousin, and I was Emily’s ex (even if Emily doesn’t give two shits about me anymore).

  I was in shock, but not the good kind of shock. She knew that I still loved Emily and she had no right to corner me like that. I got up after failing many attempts to fall back asleep and dragged myself to the kitchen.

  “Morning, sunshine” Louis sang as he and Eleanor made pancakes. I just nodded my head at them, too tired to reply. I logged onto Twitter to check up on everything before the European tour which was starting in January 2013 and proceeds until March. Paris was on the list of cities we were going to. I kept on wondering if I’d see her or if she’d come visit us. We’re only going to be there for two nights, and our schedule is pretty jammed.

  I went through some tweets when one particular tweet caught my eye.

  ‘@Emily_Parker is back on twitter you guys!!’ my heart thumped faster and faster as I clicked on her profile. She’d deactivated both her Twitter and Facebook account when we’d started dating. I read a couple of her recent tweets.

  ‘@JasmineB I miss you, whore!’ I giggled to myself silently at that one; typical Jasmine and Emily. I clicked on her recent photos and found that she’d uploaded about five new pictures. One picture was of the Eiffel tower ‘How can you ever get used to this?’ she’d tweeted along with it. I went through a couple more photos when one photo grabbed my attention instantly. It was a picture of her kissing some random guy’s cheek as he smiled crazily. Jealousy instantly flamed through me like raging fire. Who was this guy? Were they dating?

  He had silky blonde hair (the type Emily had always been fond of which drove me crazy), greenish-hazel eyes, and his arm around her waist enveloping her small figure into him. Who the heck was this guy? I was snooping around more and more until I felt a large hand slap my shoulder.

  “Who are you stalking?” Louis sang as he took a peek at the laptop screen.

  “No one” I said trying to hide the screen.

  “Come on, Harry” Louis nagged trying to snatch the laptop away from me “Since when do you keep things from me?”

  “Just leave him alone, Lou” Eleanor yelled from the kitchen “And come help me set up the table!”

  “Don’t pressure me, woman!” Louis yelled back. Eleanor popped her head out of the kitchen and gave Louis a threatening look “I’ll be right there honey?” he said giving her the sweetest smile he could muster.

  “I thought so” she laughed going back into the kitchen. Louis dazed off looking at her as she turned around, flipping her hair in the process, and walked away. It amazed me how someone as outgoing and talkative like Louis could become speechless in the presence of the girl he loves. He bit his bottom lip with a grin before turning around to face me again.

  “You found her account, didn’t you?” he asked out of the blue. I stared at him blinking for a couple of seconds before nodding my head in defeat.

  “Who’s the guy in the picture?” I asked hoping that Louis had the answers.

  “I don’t know” he said sitting down beside me “But as far as I know, she’s still single.” I could hear myself letting out a small sigh of relief “It’s not over yet, mate” he said reassuringly. I really hoped he was right.

  EMILY’S POV: (December 2012)

  I lay down on the bed staring at the ceiling. I looked next to me at Joseph who was sleeping peacefully; his blonde silky hair all messed up from our little…session earlier. The cold winter air sent shivers through my bare body. I let out a sigh as I rubbed my face. This all felt so wrong. I liked Joseph, I really did, but he wasn’t Harry. He couldn’t even compete, so why was I making love to him; let alone dating him? I grabbed Joseph’s sweater from the ground and slipped it on along with my panties and stepped out to the balcony of my mother’s house. It was a cold, winter night in Paris so I tugged on the sweater tightly admiring the lit up Eiffel Tower.

  I looked at Harry’s bracelet around my wrist running my fingertips along it. As far as Joseph knew, this was my friend’s bracelet. I felt awful lying to him, but how could you explain to your boyfriend that your ex is Harry Styles from the most famous boy band in the world? Nobody here in Paris knows about this, well except for the hardcore directioners. I didn’t deserve Joseph. He was a genuine guy who has absolutely no clue about what goes around in my head. He made me smile though, which is probably the reason why I’m dating him.

  Just a couple of hours ago he’d confessed that he loved me. I didn’t say anything back and I knew it agitated him. I simply smiled and kissed him, and then one thing led to another. I looked up at the sky and wondered what Harry would be doing right now; probably attending one of his relatives’ many Christmas dinners, or celebrating with the boys. I missed them as well. I missed talking to Zayn, having food contests with Niall, Louis making me laugh for hours about absolutely nothing, and Liam’s cheekiness, and just being with Harry.

  I felt muscular arms wrap around my waist. I looked back to find Joseph’s face smiling sweetly at me.

  “Hey babe” I said kissing his lips softly.

  “Where’d you go?” he asked “I was beginning to miss you back there” he said exposing my shoulder to kiss it.

  “I was just getting some fresh air” I told him grabbing onto the railing as his lips worked their way towards my neck. He pulled my hand and led me into my room, laying me down on the bed. He climbed on top of me kissing me hard.

  He suddenly stopped and looked at me weirdly “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah” I replied pulling him back “I’m fine”

  “You just seem a bit…distant. Like you don’t want this”

  “Oh, I want this” I whispered, switching positions with him so that now I was on top “I want this so bad” I whispered again kissing his collarbones. Soon enough, he was inside me for the second time tonight. I rolled my eyes back in pleasure as moans escaped my lips. I closed my eyes, but all I could see was Harry’s face. Joseph suddenly stopped and gave me a weird look.

  “What?” I asked out of breath.

  “You just called me Haz” he replied losing patience. Oh shit. 

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