The Monster Within | Part 6

Start from the beginning

- Flashback -

Tony was about eleven years old, when he was playing with the butler, Edwin Jarvis, whom he also named after his AI. Maria Stark looks at his son, being happy and cheerfully enjoying with Jarvis. She was so glad, that Tony was now social. Suddenly, he stops, and glares at his nails. Maria noticed her son looking distressed, so she steps down and looks over Tony.

"What's the matter honey? Why you stopped?" Maria asked.

"Mom.. why my nails are growing so quick?" Tony examines his nails. "I just cut them off.."

Maria sighed and shakes her head. "Don't worry dear, it happens. Being a part of your dad can be difficult."

"My dad? But you told me I'm a human like you.. who he really is, mom?" Young Tony said, raising an eyebrow.

"You'll get to know about it soon when you grow up." Maria kissed Tony's forehead. "Okay, now go to your room, it's late."

"But I want to play with Jarvis!" Tony whined.

"Tony, you even haven't eaten anything today. After finishing lunch you can go play with Jarvis again.

"I'm always for sir's satisfaction, ma'am." Jarvis smiles.

Tony then leaves the playground to the dining table, where lunch is already served. Howard was actually away for a business meeting, so he couldn't come, so it was just him and his mother instead.

"Why dad always stays away from us?" Tony asked, while playing with the spoon.

"He's a busy man, dearie. We can't disturb him during the time of work." Maria replied, serving him food.

"I always see him, he's away for work but never for us." Tony shook his head. Maria did knew the pain of his father being away, so she made sure that he won't feel any lonely as possible.

"Your dad will be back again, even if he goes out, it's for the best of us and everyone, okay? Now finish up, it's getting cold." Maria changed the topic so that Tony can eat his lunch.

It was evening, and little Tony was busy in playing with his toys, mostly of a Captain America figurine trying to knock out the other toys as bad guys.

"I am Captain America! And I'm going to kill you evil Germans!" While playing, Tony suddenly felt hungry and wanted to grab a snack. He steps out of the room, and sees Jarvis in the kitchen, washing the dishes.

"Jarvis? Do you have something to eat?" Tony asked, while gently pulling the butler's coat.

"Oh, I think there are chips and chocolate in the cupboard next door, you can have them, sir."

"Thank you, Jar!" The young boy hugged Jarvis and he finds out the items and rushes into his room. Jumping on his bed, opening the pack of chips and chocolate, he started eating them one by one. Finishing the packet, he continues to eat up the chocolate. Tony didn't realise while eating the cocoa substance, he was feeling dizzier but still hungry.

A hunger for no food, but.. something more bigger?

In mid-way of eating the chocolate, he tried to focus but he started seeing the visuals of human flesh and tentacles, and passed out on the bed. Everything went a blur, as Tony fell asleep, and got unconscious for a while.

He then suddenly sees himself waking up around a damp wasteland, all alone. Getting up, to see a clear view, he saw a lot of human bodies whose fleshes were ripped out. Much to Tony's horror itself, he didn't had the strength to move. Nor mom, dad or Jarvis was there for him. Trying to walk foward, and passing through every single dead body, to enter a dark cave. Tony didn't had a flashlight, so he had to enter without it.

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