"We will do our best, Tsunami-san." Naruto concluded as Tazuna spoke with Tsunami.

"Where's Inari-kun, Tsunami?" Tazuna asked.

"He will be back soon, tou-san. He went to the docks to see if he could get some fish. That boy has been adamant to provide food for us lately." Tsunami huffed a little, but couldn't help to feel pride.

"Who's Inari, Tsunami-san?" Menma asked in curiosity

"Ahh, he's my son, Menma-san. He's 8 years old, but the boy tries to act grown up and angsty." Tsunami said a little embarrassingly, subtly preparing them to meet Inari.

"Kaa-chan! I'm home!" Perfect timing.

"Ah, Inari-kun. Come meet the ninja who protected your precious grampa!" Tazuna exclaimed, a little buzzed.

'How is he drunk already?!" Team 7 pondered in shock. They had been here for a grand total of 4 minutes!

"Hmph. Why bother, Grandpa? They're just gonna die anyways." Inari said, shocking the genin a little.

"Hey! Watch it you brat! We won't die anytime soon! We still have much to do!" Menma argued.

"That's what they all say, and they end up dying anyways. No one can stand up to Gato. No one." With that, Inari stormed to his room.

"Inari! Come down and apologize! Inari!" Tsunami screamed until she heard a door slam.

"*sigh*Sorry about that. He has a hard time trusting anyone when they say they will free us from Gato's regime." Tsunami said sadly. It has been a tough time for her family.

"Don't worry, Tsunami-san. We will do our best to free Nami. You have our word." surprisingly, Sasuke spoke this time.

"Thank you, Sasuke-san." Tsunami said with a sad smile.

"Oh, where are my manners? Is anyone hungry? I have enough ingredients to make a stew." Tsunami announced as she stood to head back to the kitchen.

"That would be lovely, Tsunami-san. Thank you!" Kakashi said as he pulled out his little orange book to read, making Team 7 sweat drop.

"Nii-san... it's not the time to read." Naruto said, while attempting to take the book, only to have the book disappear from his reach.

"Don't you dare touch my precious." Kakashi spoke seriously.

"Then put it away. We have some things to discuss." Naruto said as Kakashi put the book away.

"Now, I am sure that you all have some things to say and ask, as well as us." Naruto began. "Menma, Sasuke, how are you two feeling?" Naruto asked, looking at the two boys.

"Well..." Menma began. "While I didn't enjoy killing, what you said did help me. What we're doing is to make sure that less evil happens in the world. After what Zabuza said to you back there, I knew that he was not good. His heart was pure evil. He had a certain vibe to him that I didn't like." At this, Menma shivered a little. "As long as I don't like killing, I will be okay. I will only kill when absolutely necessary. That, I promise." Menma finished with conviction, making Naruto smile in pride at his younger twin's maturity.

'Even though you grew up pampered, you didn't grow up entitled. I'm proud of you, Menma.' Naruto thought.

"Sasuke?" Naruto turned his attention at Sasuke, who was looking down.

"To be honest... I think I took it a little better after witnessing what I did that day." Sasuke spoke, making Naruto's and Kakashi's eyes widen a little. Sasuke had been very reserved of what happened the day of the Uchiha Massacre. They didn't know if it was because he blocked it like many details of his life, or if it was because he didn't want to talk about it at all. It seems he feels a little more at ease to talk about it.

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