Hawk: A Burning Passion 1

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Hate sex with Hawk... how will it turn out...

  Oh how you hated him, your body burned with the fire and rage of how much you hated the new and 'improved' Hawk

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Oh how you hated him, your body burned with the fire and rage of how much you hated the new and 'improved' Hawk. Every inch of you despised the young teenage boy. As did he, he also loathed every part of you. He hated you with a burning passion, or so he taught himself to hate you.

Though you hated him, your body craved him, your body called for him, your body begged him to do all unholy things to you. You hated him for that. You hated being so vulnerable for another, it was so annoying for you.

You were mostly so angry at your body for wanting to taste him, feel him, oh how badly you wanted him inside you. This is how crazy and mad he made you, and it was just about the last straw for you.

Hawk could say himself of how much he hated you, your snarky remarks and comments. But oh- your beautiful body, made him hate you less and himself more for taking such a mad liking to you.

Wouldn't you know it the universe just so happened to have you both join the same dojo, not only did he annoy you inside of school; but outside of school too. Oh it was so tempting to swipe that annoying smirk off his face, but every time he called you princess, oh you melted and withered by his feet. Though you didn't show it to him, you could tell he knew it.

  A loud 'Quiet!' comes from sensei Lawrence as everybody's chatters immediately fall silent. Your day dreaming beginning to fade out as reality strikes you once again. You couldn't help but look at Hawk, it was a usual thing you would find yourself doing.

  You would check him out in his gi before starting a match with another cobra Kai. I guess he could sense someone staring at him so his eyes immediately met yours, you quickly looked back at sensei but you could tell he knew you were looking at him by the side smirk that slid across his face.

  "Today we're going to be doing matches, Hawk and Y/n; you're up first" Sensei says, your eyes internally widen as you look over at hawk to see him stepping his place on the mat with a sinister smirk.

  You clear your throat and place yourself in your spot on the mat in front of him, Miguel holds the flag up before quickly throwing it down "fight!" He yells as we get into our stances.

  "You're going down princess" He smirks as he trips you with his leg and pins you to the ground, earning himself a point.

  "Point! Hawk" Miguel yells out, scoring the board.

  You both get back into stance before you land a kick in with your leg, catching him off guard as you trip both of his legs, pinning him down on the mat "I wouldn't be so sure about that 'princess'" You mock, with your own satisfied smirk.

  Hawk grits his teeth together as he glares up at you, "Point! L/n" Miguel adds your point to the score board as you and Hawk get back into your places.

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