7- training

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After breakfast, the team all walked down to the training grounds, Ella was immediately on Mason's back before he had the chance to object.

"Right come on Ell, on your head" Declan said to the blonde as he bounced a football up and down.

"I'd like to see her try, Ella couldn't header a ball if her life depended on it" Jack antagonised her.

"Oh shut up Jack!" She jokingly scowled at him. Declan threw the ball up in the air and headered the ball with ease, leaving a smug grin on her face, Jack held his arms up in surrender when Ella proved him wrong.

The boys training session went on as normal, Ella and Gareth had planned the team's future physiotherapy sessions with her, leaving her time to sort the equipment for boys. Ella stood on the sideline watching the lads train in case she was needed, they were completing drills, running up and down the pitch when Jack's leg seized up causing his knee to buckle and him to fall to the ground.

Ella was quick to run over to the bummy on the floor, instantly knowing what to do she bent down and tried to grab ahold of his calf.

"Let me help" She said to him.

"It's fine I can do it myself" Jack argued.

"For goodness sake Jack, just let me do my job" Ella insisted.

"Fine" He replied as she stretched his leg out to ease the pain.

"You know you're a pain in the arse sometimes right?" She joked as she looked down at him.

"As are you" Jack added, Ella simply shook her head and rolled her eyes playfully at him.

"Have I told you how nice you look in those leggings?" Jack flirted with the blonde.

"I don't think you needed to after this mornings antics at breakfast" She said raising her eyebrows at him.

"I don't know what you're complaining about 'cause you seemed to enjoy breakfast right?" He continued to joke and flirt. 

Ella dropped his leg after she finished stretching it, allowing him to stand up, their bodies were close, close enough to smell each other's scent and feel one another's breath. Jack's cologne was masculine and sexy, Ella didn't want to think about how many girls he had seduced through his scent alone.

"Or did it just turn you on?" Jack whispered in Ella's seductively and walked away back to the training group, leaving her dumbfounded and Jack smug and correct.

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