4- night out

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After settling in, some of the squad had organised to go out that evening in Repino, Ella had been getting ready for the past hour, applying her make-up, and choosing one of her very few dresses she had brought with her, luckily she had packed knowing Mason would drag her out to any outings he could.

Tonight it was Mason, Ella, Ben, Declan, Jordan, Jack and Tyrone going out, they had all put on jeans and a polo shirt, whereas Ella had pulled a little black dress number, paired with black strappy heels.

It was about a twenty-minute walk into the centre of Repino where the clubs and bars were, which was when Ella realised her mistake of wearing heels, after too much of her complaining Mason agreed to carry her on his back for part of the walk. Eventually, he had enough too and put her back down.

"Nooo Mason, please?" Ella begged for him to carry her again, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Don't give me that look Ell" Mason replied, wanting to resist her charm.

"Oh come here darlin', get on ma back" Jack interjected, as he crouched for Ella to get on his back.

"Yay, thanks Grealish" Ella replied, smiling as she hung her arms around him. Ella took in the scent of his cologne which was intoxicating her with lust, Jack's firm grip on her thighs sent a tingle between her legs.

As they entered the club, they were greeted by a few football fans that wanted pictures with the players, this left Ella alone at the bar, two Russian men were quick to notice the unaccompanied blonde and strutted over. They both flirted with her and were insisted on buying her drinks, Ella just acted casual to not cause a scene. 

The men were persistent with their advances, one man even being overly touchy with her, she simply shuffled awkwardly out of his touch to avoid confrontation. Ella's nervous look caught Jack's eyes and immediately he came over to her.

"Hey Ell, are you alright?" Jack asked as he looked at her predicament with the two Russians, he now felt guilty that he had left her alone in the club.

"Yeah she's fine, she's with us" The man answered for Ella with a thick Russian accent.

"I didn't ask you" Jack raised his voice.

"Who are you, the boyfriend?" The other man asked Jack.

"Yes I am in fact!" Jack lied as his protective side kicked in. Jordan and Mason were quick to see what the situation was after hearing Jack's Brummie accent from across the club.

"What seems to be the issue lads?" Henderson asked.

"Nothing let's go" Ella interrupted, not wanting to cause a scene, she gestured for the England boys to start walking away with her, that was until one of the Russian men grabbed her backside. From that point everything went into slow motion for Ella, Jack launched his fist at the man, punching him in the face, as Mason grabbed the other by the collar of his shirt and slammed his back into the bar.

Jordan was quick to split up the scrap between the Russian and English men, yet Jack was still left face to face with the man that grabbed Ella, his eyes were full of anger. Ella was able to catch his eyesight, as she looked up to him and got in between the pair.

"Jack just leave it okay? We need to leave before any paps get here" Ella explained as she placed a hand on Jack's chest lightly.

"I'll get the other lads, you and Jack wait outside" Henderson said, leaving Ella to drag Jack out of the club.

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