Chapter Twelve

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Are you sure nothing happen?
Do you think he has spike you drink?
You said you can't remember anything, only wake up in the hotel room and your stuff rather bring back your memories.
And, what did he say when you confronted him? Ann asked.

'Nothing' Tracy said swinging her face. Ann read her face and, realized she hasn't confronted Daniel yet. And, No No No to N.O. No
Come on! Daniel is too gentle for that.
He can't do a thing like that, although I don't know him much, I trust he would do a thing like that.

You may never know Ann said

I know but not him.

You've got to be serious sometimes Tray. This is nothing to play around.
The first thing you suppose to do after seeing this text, is to call him and demand for explanation.

It's not entirely his fault, Tracy said defending Daniel.

But he's not completely free of blame, either.Ann interjected.

I am not saying he should not be blamed, or he didn't own me explanation. If course he owes me bunch of explanations. If the explanation is not, taking me to the guesthouse because I was drunk, at least the part of the text which say we 'had sex' when nothing actually happened, needed clarification.
So yeah! He has to.
When I said he isn't to be blamed entirely, I meant this.
Analyze this, we went for a dinner and I decided on the kind of drink we had. So I have to
willingly accepted the blame for not being smarter enough to control myself, and let my pleasure get the best out of me. All this happened based on my choice of drinks.
that I would get drunk. I was living the moment and totally forgot mixing up wine and champagne could make me drunk.

Tray you are in love! Did you hear yourself speaking? All defense of him?

Come on Ann! You are so judgmental do you know.
Tracy shrugged.
How defensive did that sound?

Well, you just said it's not entirely his fault so chill girl... Ann mock her.

Okay, see! Daniels isn't a bad guy. He could have chosen to sleep with me, and leave with a note but he didn't.
He didn't touch me neither.
Can you Imagine, he asked me to call him to go pick up my car for me in case I ca not go there myself?

That guy is falling in love with you seriously, Ann said.
'Upon my word believe it or not'. She said.
But this is compelling me though.
How can he leave such messages, when he knew nothing really happened?
What is the motive behind this action? Ann said deliberately.

'Exactly my dilemma'. Tracy replied.

'But there is only one way to clear our thoughts'.
This way.
Ann picked Tracy phone, handed it to her. You have to call him up, I mean right now!
Hurry! Take the phone, quickly, call him.
Ann said.
Initially, Tracy did not want to call him for a reason best known to her.
But she has no other choice than to obey her adamant friend who would never stop disturbing her until she calls him.
Ann is very difficult to deal with, very, very complicated kind. She has this tag she always use to trap her friends.
" Do it or you loose me as friend "
You have no choice than to pull in.
she has to call him up.

Tracy took the phone from her hand and called Daniels.
Daniel was in the office when his phone rang.
He hurriedly dropped whatever he was doing to attend to the caller.
He has been waiting for this call for so long.
They spoke.
Tracy put the phone on speakerphone just so Ann could hear him speak too.
Daniel apologized for the text and proposed to see her tonight.

Ann: you see, I told you, he didn't do it with bad intentions.
I want you to cheer up. He want to see you and you are turning in....

Tracy: I'm not in a good mood and shape.
But wait.....are you my friend or my rival?
You want me to go meet him up again? What now!
So tomorrow morning I will wake up in guesthouse with another message " rape was great with you"

Ann laugh out loud.
Do you have aspirin?
She asked Tracy.
I want you to take an aspirin to stop your headache.
And, for the meantime, I want you to wear something sexy and attractive drawing his attention. And make him fall in love with you.
You're already in love with him, so now he has to be in the same page with you. Ann said.

Tracy: madam lecture, wait let me go for my notepad.

'I'm not done yet!
After he explained everything to you. And it was with good intentions just as I said, and I know and believe because I'm instinct said so,
Don't hesitate to grab him to yourself and give him some dirty talk into his mind.
Girl pull up the "A-game"
You know what that means.
And, oh! Don't forget to wear tong when going'

'Aaaaaaannnnnnnn....Tracy shouted her name out loud'.

Gosh! This is the problem with you virgins in the world.
You are so boring. Ann said.

Tracy took an aspirin to help her headache.

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