chapter one

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It's not the number of people you know, that matters. It's about the people ready to pull-up when you need them.

Your uncle can be the president and you will remain unemployed.

What you can do for yourself Matters. Be your own star.


Tracy looked into her watch, and It's exactly 3pm.
She shutdown her computer.
She stood up, adjust the
dress on her body perfectly well. She removed her jacket behind the serta chair, and put it on. She released her long blonde hair from ponytail position, making it falls and sleeps on her shoulders, down her back.
She shook her head vigorously, using her hand to
brush through her-hair together to fit.

She picked up her handbag,
and some few documents on
the table, together with some files. She grabbed her car keys and, making sure nothing was left behind, walked out of the office.

She forgot to take her laptop.
She returned to the office to pick up the laptop.

She entered and realized it was left opened and on, she dropped the stuff in her hand onto the table, and quickly pressed the power button to shutdown the laptop.

She sat beside to make sure the laptop is completely shutdown, before she put it inside its bag. As she seated patiently waiting for her laptop to shutdown, the office line rang and she picked up, but the line dropped and she puts the cellphone down.
The phone rang again, and the line dropped again.
This happened continuously for three times repeatedly.
After she put down the cellphone for the third time, unable to connect with the caller, the laptop was ready to go with. She quickly put it in its bag, grabbing the previous stuff from the table,and walked out of the office, down to her P.A office. She asked her to cancel all her appointments for tomorrow, she wouldn't be available in the office for work or meet anybody.

'I have some business to take care of tonight'. She said to her P.A.

"Okay ma'am". The P. A said and nodded.
The P.A helped her with the files, the laptop bag and the handbag she carried on her hands.

'In case Mr. Andy showed up looking for me, tell him to call me tomorrow morning at 9am. The offer and proposals is a plus for our company, prioritizing a big win for our company and, we have nothing to lose. This is exigency requirements.
Maybe I could meet him home or coffee shop, since he said the deadline for the contract is next week, and apparently, we are in the middle of the week.
We can't afford to miss this opportunity'.

'But ma'am, tomorrow is the day with Mr.Gordon appointment. Tomorrow makes the 7th times, he's booking an appointment with you'. The P.A interjected.

'I'm sorry about
7th times disappointment.
If whatever he wants to see me for is very important, then he must keep pushing harder and never give up. We don't give up on most important things until we succeed'.
Tracy simpered and smirked.

They walked towards the elevator.
The elevator door opened.
They both entered and the door closed.
They conversed inside the elevator, and after some
few minutes and seconds, they are out of the elevator, to the car park and into her car.

Tracy opened her Mercedes benz, the very latest in town obviously.
The P.A opened the back seat door puts her handbag, the files and the laptop on the back seat, and closed the door gently.
Tracy sat in her car and started to drive away.
The P.A walked to the front door, with a gentle knock on the glass.
Tracy rolled down the glass softly, with her attention on her to hear her-out.

'So when should I book the next appointment with the clients especially Mr. Gordon?'
We would reschedule and set different dates, but it mustn't be this week please.
Answered Tracy.

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