Chapter Seven

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Daniel called Tracy early in the morning. To link her up. Regarding his  company.

Tracy was taken her bath, when Daniel called. So it's obvious she missed his calls..

Tracy left home, got to office before she was his missed calls on her phone.
She called him up.

Tracy on the phone.
' Hey Mr. Daniels, I missed your calls earlier. You good? Is everything okay?
How may I help you?

'I'm very okay.
Where are you at the moment?'

'At the office'. Tracy responded.

Can I pick you up for coffee, if you don't mind?
Say yes to my request, and make me happy.
Please don't say no!
Please!!! Please!!! Please...!

Tracy looked at her watch.
It's 8am.
She has an appointment with a client at 9am.
And she has to submit a project work before 9am as well.
She's contemplating, and Daniel snapped her from her thoughts.

Hello, are you there? Daniel asked.

Yes, I am. Tracy replied.
So what have you decided on?
Daniel asked.

I have some unfinished business yesterday I need to wrap up plus, I have an appointment with a client at 9am this morning.
I have exactly an hour.
Can we do that tomorrow
I promise .
All bills on me
Tracy said convincingly.

Alright ma'am, you have managed to declined my request.
That's fine with me.
Just make sure you fulfill your promise. Daniel said.

Thanks for understanding Mr. Daniels. Ain't you in the office yet. Tracy asked.

No! Daniel said.
I'm home at the moment.
The plan was to pick you up, for the coffee then head into the office from there. And you have successfully ruined my plans .
Daniel sounds disappointed.

My bad, Tracy said.
I will make it up to you tomorrow I promise.

Okay my lady boss . I'm at  your service . Anything you wish for.

Okay then. Let me get back to work. We will talk in the evening. Have a great day and enjoy your day.
Tracy said.

Same to you. Daniel said
Bye. Tracy said.

The day is over and everybody's home. It's in the evening. You know what they say when you want to achieve something? Be "consistent" and "persistent". I think Daniel understands this term pretty well.
He so consistent and persistent. He just called Tracy to remind her of her promise.

Oh Hey there. 
I called to remind you, of
your promise for tomorrow.  Don't forget.

Gosh! You're unbelievable Mr. Daniels. Don't worry I won't forget.
I have scheduled for that already. No disappointment.

I called to check on you. I hope I'm not bothering you?
By the way, are you home?
Daniel asked.

Yes I am. Tracy replied.

What are you doing then.
You seemed to be less busy woman at night. You line isn't busy as I supposed it should be.

Really. Tracy laughed.
Yes. Daniel said

What do you suggest I do this time of the night she asked.

Probably be on sex- video call with your "boyfriend".

Tracy... I see!
If I had been on 'sex-video call' would you get the opportunity to be talking to me. Like, right now?

I will give you the benefit of madam "RIGHT".  You are just smart you know. Daniel complimented.

I'm only asking a question Mr. Daniels.
Tracy continued...You just finished talking to your fiance, I believe. Or after we're done talking?
Or she's there with you even.
Tracy asked.

Come on. I live alone. And I don't talk to anybody. Daniel replied. What are you doing? Are you lying in bed or watching TV or whatever?
Daniel asked.

I just finished taking my bath.
I was dressing up when your  call came in. Said Tracy.

And you you didn't call me to help you out? Daniel asked.  

Thank but I'm done.
Some other time.

What are you wearing?
Daniel asked.

You don't want to flirt with me right now, are you Mr Daniel?

It's not entirely bad to ask questions or is it?

I'm wearing kimono.

That's pretty cool. Daniel said.

Tracy walked into her kitchen. Still on phone with Daniels.
She opened the fridge, to find something to drink.
She grabbed her drink. Closed the fridge and walked to the hall. She he opened the drink and pops!!!... Some poured in her dress.

Goddamn! she exclaimed!

Why what happened?
Daniel asked worriedly.

The drink poured in my dress and, now I have to change it again.

Hahaha...He laughed.

What's funny now?. She frowned her face on the phone.

Nothing is funny.
I think it's happened because I want you to wear something sexy tonight to bed. So,yeah you have to do that.

You can't be serious right now. She said.

Always ma'am. I'm always serious.

Have a good night Mr Daniel.
She ended the call and walk upstairs.

The next morning, Daniel woke up and received a text message on his phone from Tracy.
He stood beside his bed and began to read the messages.
It reads.

Hey there! Mr. Daniels.
I'm sorry I'd have to disappoint you today as well.
There's an emergency at home, so I have to rushed back home this morning.
I will make it up to you when I get back.
Unfortunately, I can't promise because, I have exhausted all my promises.
So there's non left to promise you again.
Take care and see you when I return.

And hey! I don't think I will be on phone much,  but you can leave messages for me if you want.
I will reply when I'm  less busy, and see them.

Thank you.

He threw himself on the bed.

And replied her text.
"I hope it's not anything serious.
Just be safe and get back soon.
If you need my help don't hesitate to call me ".

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